Viser: Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 3. udgave
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Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering Vital Source e-bog

J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
Taylor & Francis
2.099,00 kr. 1.889,10 kr.
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Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 3. udgave

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
899,00 kr. 809,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (November 2016)
  • Forfattere: J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
  • ISBN: 9781498769310
Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Edition, presents the nuclear science concepts needed to understand and quantify the whole range of nuclear phenomena. Noted for its accessible level and approach, the Third Edition of this long-time bestselling textbook provides overviews of nuclear physics, nuclear power, medicine, propulsion, and radiation detection. Its flexible organization allows for use with Nuclear Engineering majors and those in other disciplines. The Third Edition features updated coverage of the newest nuclear reactor designs, fusion reactors, radiation health risks, and expanded discussion of basic reactor physics with added examples. A complete Solutions Manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors adopting the text.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 660 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (September 2016)
  • Forfattere: J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
  • ISBN: 9781498769297

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Edition, presents the nuclear science concepts needed to understand and quantify the whole range of nuclear phenomena. Noted for its accessible level and approach, the Third Edition of this long-time bestselling textbook provides overviews of nuclear physics, nuclear power, medicine, propulsion, and radiation detection. Its flexible organization allows for use with Nuclear Engineering majors and those in other disciplines. The Third Edition features updated coverage of the newest nuclear reactor designs, fusion reactors, radiation health risks, and expanded discussion of basic reactor physics with added examples. A complete Solutions Manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors adopting the text.

Fundamental Concepts. Modern Physics Concepts. Atomic/Nuclear Models. Nuclear Energetics. Radioactivity. Binary Nuclear Reactions. Radiation Interactions with Matter. Detection and Measurement of Radiation. Radiation Doses and Hazard Assessment. Principles of Nuclear Reactors. Nuclear Power. Fusion Reactors and Other Conversion Devices. Nuclear Technology in Industry and Research. Medical Applications of Nuclear Technology. Appendix.

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