Viser: The Human Face of War

The Human Face of War, 1. udgave
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The Human Face of War Vital Source e-bog

Jim Storr
Bloomsbury UK
489,00 kr.
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The Human Face of War

The Human Face of War

Jim Storr
Sprog: Engelsk
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
543,00 kr.
Print on demand. Leveringstid vil være ca 2-3 uger.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury UK (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781441179371
Warfare is hugely important. The fates of nations, and even continents, often rests on the outcome of war and thus on how its practitioners consider war. The Human Face of War is a new exploration of military thought. It starts with the observation that much military thought is poorly developed - often incoherent and riddled with paradox. The author contends that what is missing from British and American writing on warfare is any underpinning mental approach or philosophy. Why are some tank commanders, snipers, fighter pilots or submarine commanders far more effective than others? Why are many generals sacked at the outbreak of war? The Human Face of War examines such phenomena and seeks to explain them.   The author argues that military thought should be based on an approach which reflects the nature of combat. Combat - fighting - is primarily a human phenomenon dominated by human behaviour. The book explores some of those human issues and their practical consequences. The Human Face of War calls for, and suggests, a new way of considering war and warfare.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 256 sider
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781441187505
Warfare is hugely important. The fates of nations, and even continents, often rests on the outcome of war and thus on how its practitioners consider war. The Human Face of War is a new exploration of military thought. It starts with the observation that much military thought is poorly developed - often incoherent and riddled with paradox. The author contends that what is missing from British and American writing on warfare is any underpinning mental approach or philosophy. Why are some tank commanders, snipers, fighter pilots or submarine commanders far more effective than others? Why are many generals sacked at the outbreak of war? The Human Face of War examines such phenomena and seeks to explain them. The author argues that military thought should be based on an approach which reflects the nature of combat. Combat - fighting - is primarily a human phenomenon dominated by human behaviour. The book explores some of those human issues and their practical consequences. The Human Face of War calls for, and suggests, a new way of considering war and warfare.
Figures Abbreviations Foreword Series Editors' Preface Introduction
1. Art or Science?
2. Developing an Approach 3. The Nature of Combat
4. Tools and Models
5. Shock and Surprise
6. Tactics and Organizations
7. Commanding the Battle
8. The Soul of an Army
9. Regulators and Ratcatchers
10. The Human Face of War Notes Bibliography Index

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