Viser: Psychology of Conflict and Combat

Psychology of Conflict and Combat

Psychology of Conflict and Combat

Sprog: Engelsk
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
985,00 kr.
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om ca. 15 hverdage

Detaljer om varen

  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (Januar 1988)
  • ISBN: 9780275927530
Shalit draws on the research he conducted as field psychologist in the Israeli military to offer an original behavioral model of combat that accounts for the fighting potential of an individual or group. His model is based on the appraisal process that the individual undertakes in combat conditions to assess a situation, whether it concerns him or not and regardless of his role. It is through this process that the individual makes a judgment, taking into consideration his past experience, knowledge, and expectations, that in turn leads to a course of action.

Shalit pinpoints and describes specific aspects of the psychology of combat and conflict including the motivation to act in combat with special reference to the aggression drive; the definition of an enemy and the effects such appraisals have on behavior; the situational factors in heroic acts; and discipline and its affects on combat efficiency.
Introduction The Perception of Conflict and Combat A Model for Conflict and Combat Behavior What Is Aggression? Origins of Aggression and Its Evaluation What Is the Enemy? Courage Discipline Assessment of the Coping and Combat Potential Lebanon--The Face of the Battle Conclusion Bibliography Index

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