Viser: Principles of Power Electronics

Principles of Power Electronics, 2. udgave
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Principles of Power Electronics Vital Source e-bog

John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
Cambridge University Press
674,00 kr.
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Principles of Power Electronics, 2. udgave

Principles of Power Electronics Vital Source e-bog

John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
Cambridge University Press
540,00 kr.
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Principles of Power Electronics, 2. udgave

Principles of Power Electronics

John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
687,00 kr.
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om ca. 15 hverdage

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2023)
  • Forfattere: John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
  • ISBN: 9781009021623
Substantially expanded and updated, the new edition of this classic textbook provides unrivalled coverage of the fundamentals of power electronics. Comprehensive coverage of foundational concepts in circuits, magnetics, devices, dynamic models, and control establishes a strong conceptual framework for further study. Extensive discussion of contemporary practical considerations, enhanced by real-world examples, prepares readers for design scenarios ranging from low-power dc/dc converters to multi-megawatt ac machine drives. New topics include SiC and GaN wide-bandgap materials, superjunction MOSFET and IGBT devices, advanced magnetics design, multi-level and switched-capacitor converters, RF converter circuits, and EMI. Over 300 new and revised end-of-chapter problems enhance and expand understanding of the material, with solutions for instructors. Unique in its breadth and depth, and providing a range of flexible teaching pathways at multiple levels, this is the definitive guide to power electronics for graduate and senior undergraduate students in electrical engineering, and practicing electrical engineers.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2023)
  • Forfattere: John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
  • ISBN: 9781009021623R180
Substantially expanded and updated, the new edition of this classic textbook provides unrivalled coverage of the fundamentals of power electronics. Comprehensive coverage of foundational concepts in circuits, magnetics, devices, dynamic models, and control establishes a strong conceptual framework for further study. Extensive discussion of contemporary practical considerations, enhanced by real-world examples, prepares readers for design scenarios ranging from low-power dc/dc converters to multi-megawatt ac machine drives. New topics include SiC and GaN wide-bandgap materials, superjunction MOSFET and IGBT devices, advanced magnetics design, multi-level and switched-capacitor converters, RF converter circuits, and EMI. Over 300 new and revised end-of-chapter problems enhance and expand understanding of the material, with solutions for instructors. Unique in its breadth and depth, and providing a range of flexible teaching pathways at multiple levels, this is the definitive guide to power electronics for graduate and senior undergraduate students in electrical engineering, and practicing electrical engineers.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 875 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2023)
  • Forfattere: John G. Kassakian, David J. Perreault, George C. Verghese og Martin F. Schlecht
  • ISBN: 9781316519516
Substantially expanded and updated, the new edition of this classic textbook provides unrivalled coverage of the fundamentals of power electronics. Comprehensive coverage of foundational concepts in circuits, magnetics, devices, dynamic models, and control establishes a strong conceptual framework for further study. Extensive discussion of contemporary practical considerations, enhanced by real-world examples, prepares readers for design scenarios ranging from low-power dc/dc converters to multi-megawatt ac machine drives. New topics include SiC and GaN wide-bandgap materials, superjunction MOSFET and IGBT devices, advanced magnetics design, multi-level and switched-capacitor converters, RF converter circuits, and EMI. Over 300 new and revised end-of-chapter problems enhance and expand understanding of the material, with solutions for instructors. Unique in its breadth and depth, and providing a range of flexible teaching pathways at multiple levels, this is the definitive guide to power electronics for graduate and senior undergraduate students in electrical engineering, and practicing electrical engineers.
Preface; Acknowledgments;
1. Introduction;
Part I. Form and Function;
2. Form and function: an overview;
3. Introduction to rectifiers;
4. Phase-controlled converters;
5. Pulse-width-modulated DC/DC converters;
6. Switched-capacitor and related converters;
7. Isolated pulse-width modulated DC/DC converters;
8. Single-phase switched-mode DC/AC converters;
9. Polyphase sources and converters;
10. Resonant converters;
11. AC/AC converters;
Part II. Dynamic Models and Control;
12. Dynamic models and control: an overview;
13. Averaged-circuit and state-space models;
14. Linear models and feedback control;
Part III. Components and Devices;
15. Components and devices: an overview;
16. Review of semiconductor devices;
17. Power semiconductor devices;
18. Introduction to magnetics;
19. Magnetic component modeling;
20. Introduction to magnetics design;
21. Magnetics loss analysis and design;
Part IV. Practical Considerations;
22. Practical considerations: an overview;
23. Gate and base drives;
24. Snubber circuits, clamps, and soft switching;
25. Thermal modeling and heat sinking;
26. Electromagnetic interference and filtering; Index.

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