Viser: Learning the Art of Electronics - A Hands-On Lab Course

Learning the Art of Electronics - A Hands-On Lab Course, 2. udgave

Learning the Art of Electronics

A Hands-On Lab Course
Thomas C. Hayes, David Abrams og Paul Horowitz
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
999,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Apr 2025.

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (April 2025)
  • Forfattere: Thomas C. Hayes, David Abrams og Paul Horowitz
  • ISBN: 9781009535182
The much-anticipated new edition of 'Learning the Art of Electronics' is here! It defines a hands-on course, inviting the reader to try out the many circuits that it describes. Several new labs (on amplifiers and automatic gain control) have been added to the analog part of the book, which also sees an expanded treatment of meters. Many labs now have online supplements. The digital sections have been rebuilt. An FPGA replaces the less-capable programmable logic devices, and a powerful ARM microcontroller replaces the 8051 previously used. The new microcontroller allows for more complex programming (in C) and more sophisticated applications, including a lunar lander, a voice recorder, and a lullaby jukebox. A new section explores using an Integrated Development Environment to compile, download, and debug programs. Substantial new lab exercises, and their associated teaching material, have been added, including a project reflecting this edition's greater emphasis on programmable logic.
Preface to the second edition; Preface to the first edition; Overview, as the course begins;
Part I. Analog: Passive Devices:
1. DC circuits;
2. RC circuits;
3. Diode circuits;
Part II. Analog: Discrete Transistors:
4. Transistors I;
5. Transistors II;
Part III. Analog: Operational Amplifiers and their Applications:
6. Op-Amps I;
7. Op-Amps II: Departures from ideal;
8. Op-Amps III: Nice positive feedback;
9. Op-Amps IV: Parasitic oscillations; active filter; 10, Op-Amps V: PID motor control loop and lock-in amplifier;
11. Voltage regulators;
12. MOSFET switches and an introduction to JFETs;
13. Group audio project;
Part IV. Digital: Gates, Flip-Flops, Counters, PLD, Memory:
14. Logic gates;
15. Introduction to programmable logic;
16. Flip-Flops;
17. Counters;
18. Memory;
19. Finite state machines;
Part V. Digital: Analog-digital, PLL, Digital project lab:
20. Analog digital; PLL;
21. Digital project lab;
Part VI. Microcontrollers:
22. Microcontrollers I: Introduction;
23. Microcontrollers II: Stacks, timers and input;
24. Microcontrollers III: Using internal peripherals;
25. Microcontrollers IV: Timers & interrupts;
26. Microcontrollers V: Serial communication;
27. Microcontrollers VI: Using an RTOS;
28. Project possibilities: toys in the attic; A. Debugging circuits; B. Pinouts; C. Transmission lines; D. Scope advice; O. Online appendices; Index.

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