Viser: Plastics - Microstructure and Engineering Applications

Plastics, 4. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Plastics Vital Source e-bog

Nigel Mills, Mike Jenkins og Stephen Kukureka
Elsevier Science
1.236,00 kr. 1.112,40 kr.
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Plastics - Microstructure and Engineering Applications, 4. udgave


Microstructure and Engineering Applications
Nigel Mills, Mike Jenkins og Stephen Kukureka
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
999,00 kr. 899,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (Februar 2020)
  • Forfattere: Nigel Mills, Mike Jenkins og Stephen Kukureka
  • ISBN: 9780081025000

Plastics: Microstructure and Applications is a key text for senior students studying the science and engineering of plastics materials (or polymers) and will serve as a valuable introduction to the fundamentals of polymer properties for those new to the field.

Starting from microstructure and physical properties, the book covers the mechanical, chemical, transport and electrical properties of plastics materials and also deals in detail with wider issues that today’s engineers and materials scientists need, such as manufacturing processes and the design of plastics products.

A thorough revision of the book for this 4th edition reflects advances in the field by including more detailed discussion of characterization techniques, crystallization and molecular structure, thermoplastic composites, 3D printing and electrical properties of plastics. The chapter on materials and shape selection covers sustainability, life cycle analysis and waste disposal considerations for plastics materials.

  • Provides introductory information for students of plastics technology, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and other fields.
  • A useful introduction to the fundamentals of plastics for academic and industrial researchers from other fields.
  • Includes substantial new coverage of microstructure and morphology of polymers; electrical properties of plastics; modern additive manufacturing and consideration of sustainability and life cycle analysis of plastic materials.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Paperback
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (Februar 2020)
  • Forfattere: Nigel Mills, Mike Jenkins og Stephen Kukureka
  • ISBN: 9780081024997

Plastics: Microstructure and Applications is a key text for senior students studying the science and engineering of plastics materials (or polymers) and will serve as a valuable introduction to the fundamentals of polymer properties for those new to the field.

Starting from microstructure and physical properties, the book covers the mechanical, chemical, transport and electrical properties of plastics materials and also deals in detail with wider issues that today's engineers and materials scientists need, such as manufacturing processes and the design of plastics products.

A thorough revision of the book for this 4th edition reflects advances in the field by including more detailed discussion of characterization techniques, crystallization and molecular structure, thermoplastic composites, 3D printing and electrical properties of plastics. The chapter on materials and shape selection covers sustainability, life cycle analysis and waste disposal considerations for plastics materials.

  • Provides introductory information for students of plastics technology, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering and other fields.
  • A useful introduction to the fundamentals of plastics for academic and industrial researchers from other fields.
  • Includes substantial new coverage of microstructure and morphology of polymers; electrical properties of plastics; modern additive manufacturing and consideration of sustainability and life cycle analysis of plastic materials.
1. Introduction2. Molecular structures and polymer manufacture3. Amorphous polymers and the glass transition4. Semi-crystalline polymers5. Processing6. Effects of melt processing7. Viscoelastic behaviour8. Yielding9. Fracture10. The ageing of polymers11. Transport properties12. Electrical properties13. Multi-component polymers - improving the properties of polymers14. Design: materials, shape selection and design for the environment15. Engineering case studies

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