Viser: Plastics: Microstructure and Engineering Applications

Plastics - Microstructure and Engineering Applications, 3. udgave


Microstructure and Engineering Applications
Nigel Mills og Mike Jenkins
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
750,00 kr.
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Plastics: Microstructure and Engineering Applications, 3. udgave
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Plastics: Microstructure and Engineering Applications Vital Source e-bog

Nigel Mills
Elsevier Science
611,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 528 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (September 2005)
  • Forfattere: Nigel Mills og Mike Jenkins
  • ISBN: 9780750651486
Now in its Third Edition, Plastics is the key text for senior students studying the science and engineering of plastic materials. Starting from microstructure and physical properties, the book covers the mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of plastic materials, and also deals in detail with wider plastics issues that todays engineers and materials scientists need such as manufacturing processes and the design of plastic products. The new edition has been updated to reflect changes in polymer technology and the plastics industry, and the increased knowledge of the mechanical properties of plastics. A new first chapter introduces plastics properties through practical exercises, to help students to see the relevance of more academic chapters. Computer modeling has revealed the mechanics of many types of composites, so the emphasis of chapter 4 has shifted to modeling. Applications, product design and process technology have moved on; consequently the case studies in chapter 14 were updated. A new chapter 15 introduces sport and biomaterials case studies, since increasing numbers of students are enrolled on courses with these emphases. The material has been thoroughly updated, and the principles of polymer structure-property relationships set out more clearly. * Meets latest undergraduate needs for studying polymer properties * Expended coverage of materials selection and shape selection * New teaching case studies plus new material on plastics for use in sport applications and biomaterials * Examination questions to accompany each chapter, with online Instructor Solutions Manual
Introduction to polymer behaviour; Molecular structures and manufacture of polymers; Microstructure; Polymeric composites; Processing plastics; The effects of processing; Viscoelastic behaviour; Yielding; Fracture; Environmental effects; Transport properties; Electrical properties; Material and shape selection; Case studies of plastics products in engineering; Case studies of plastics products in sports and biomaterials applications

Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 528 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (Oktober 2005)
  • ISBN: 9780080497747
Now in its Third Edition, Plastics is the key text for senior students studying the science and engineering of plastic materials. Starting from microstructure and physical properties, the book covers the mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of plastic materials, and also deals in detail with wider plastics issues that today’s engineers and materials scientists need such as manufacturing processes and the design of plastic products.

The new edition has been updated to reflect changes in polymer technology and the plastics industry, and the increased knowledge of the mechanical properties of plastics. A new first chapter introduces plastics properties through practical exercises, to help students to see the relevance of more academic chapters. Computer modeling has revealed the mechanics of many types of composites, so the emphasis of chapter 4 has shifted to modeling. Applications, product design and process technology have moved on; consequently the case studies in chapter 14 were updated. A new chapter 15 introduces sport and biomaterials case studies, since increasing numbers of students are enrolled on courses with these emphases. The material has been thoroughly updated, and the principles of polymer structure-property relationships set out more clearly.

* Meets latest undergraduate needs for studying polymer properties
* Expended coverage of materials selection and shape selection
* New teaching case studies plus new material on plastics for use in sport applications and biomaterials
* Examination questions to accompany each chapter, with online Instructor Solutions Manual
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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