Viser: Principles of Fermentation Technology

Principles of Fermentation Technology, 3. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Principles of Fermentation Technology Vital Source e-bog

Peter F Stanbury, Allan Whitaker og Stephen J Hall
Elsevier Science
1.224,00 kr. 1.101,60 kr.
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Principles of Fermentation Technology, 3. udgave

Principles of Fermentation Technology

Peter F. Stanbury, Allan Whitaker og Stephen J. Hall
Sprog: Engelsk
Elsevier Science & Technology
820,00 kr. 738,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science (August 2016)
  • Forfattere: Peter F Stanbury, Allan Whitaker og Stephen J Hall
  • ISBN: 9780444634085

The successful structure of the previous edition of Principles of Fermentation Technology has been retained in this third edition, which covers the key component parts of a fermentation process including growth kinetics, strain isolation and improvement, inocula development, fermentation media, fermenter design and operation, product recovery, and the environmental impact of processes. This accurate and accessible third edition recognizes the increased importance of animal cell culture, the impact of the post-genomics era on applied science and the huge contribution that heterologous protein production now makes to the success of the pharmaceutical industry.

This title is ideally suited for both newcomers to the industry and established workers as it provides essential and fundamental information on fermentation in a methodical, logical fashion. Stanbury, Whitaker and Hall have integrated the biological and engineering aspects of fermentation to make the content accessible to members of both disciplines with a focus on the practical application of theory. This text collates all the fermentation fundamentals into one concise reference, making it a valuable resource for fermentation scientists, as well as those studying in the field.

  • Retains its successful structure and covers all components of the fermentation process
  • Integrates the biological and engineering aspects of fermentation to discuss the most recent developments and advancements in the field
  • Written in a style accessible to readers from either a biological or engineering background with each chapter supported by an extensive bibliography
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 824 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier Science & Technology (September 2016)
  • Forfattere: Peter F. Stanbury, Allan Whitaker og Stephen J. Hall
  • ISBN: 9780080999531

The successful structure of the previous edition of Principles of Fermentation Technology has been retained in this third edition, which covers the key component parts of a fermentation process including growth kinetics, strain isolation and improvement, inocula development, fermentation media, fermenter design and operation, product recovery, and the environmental impact of processes. This accurate and accessible third edition recognizes the increased importance of animal cell culture, the impact of the post-genomics era on applied science and the huge contribution that heterologous protein production now makes to the success of the pharmaceutical industry.

This title is ideally suited for both newcomers to the industry and established workers as it provides essential and fundamental information on fermentation in a methodical, logical fashion. Stanbury, Whitaker and Hall have integrated the biological and engineering aspects of fermentation to make the content accessible to members of both disciplines with a focus on the practical application of theory. This text collates all the fermentation fundamentals into one concise reference, making it a valuable resource for fermentation scientists, as well as those studying in the field.

1. An introduction to fermentation processes
2. Microbial growth kinetics
3. The isolation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms
4. Media for industrial fermentations
5. Sterilization
6. Culture preservation and inoculum development
7. Design of a fermenter
8. Instrumentation and control
9. Aeration and agitation
10. The recovery and purification of fermentation products
11. Effluent treatment
12. The production of heterologous proteins

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