Viser: DTU t-shirt - Bordeuax, Men size 2XL - 100% Organic fairtrade cotton
DTU t-shirt - Bordeuax, Men size 2XL
100% Organic fairtrade cotton
199,00 kr.
Flere end 10 stk på lager
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- Udgiver: DTU (Marts 2020)
- ISBN: 8000000089417
T-shirt med det "klassiske" DTU logo og teksten "Technical University of Denmark". Moderne DTU logo på ærmet. Dette er en 2020 model, som er bæredygtigt produceret i 100% økologisk bomuld.
T-shirt with the "classic DTU logo and the modern DTU logo on the sleeve. This is a 2020 model, which are produced after sustainable principles and in 100% organic cotton

T-shirt with the "classic DTU logo and the modern DTU logo on the sleeve. This is a 2020 model, which are produced after sustainable principles and in 100% organic cotton