What is a termbundle?

As a new university student, you have plenty of new information to handle. Among this you need to find out which book(s) you will need for each of your courses.


To make this as easy and painless as we can, we collect all book related information from all lecturers prior to the semester.

This enables us to make a complete bundle of all the books you need to your first semester at DTU - freeing you from doing it yourself.


This is a textbook purchasing the easy way.

syllabuslist guarantee

1) We guarantee that you will always find the correct books & editions in our syllabuslists and termbundles.


2) Should any error occur, we correct this at no cost to you. (Also if your lecturer has made a mistake.)


3) We just ask that you prove that you purchased the book with us. So please hang on to your receipt. Read more about oursyllabuslist guarantee

How do I get my termbundle?

You have these options:


  1. Order online have it sent to your address
  2. Order online og select pickup in one of our stores.
  3. Or you could just come by our store and get your bundle. 


See our FAQ for more information.

Find Formlen

- vores egen formelsamling serie - udarbejdet af studerende for studerende og rettet mod dit DTU studie.


Find Formlen


Serien Find Formlen er udarbejdet af studerende der er langt i studiet og har været hjælpelærere i flere semestre og derfor præcist ved hvad der skal til.

De indeholder de vigtigste og hyppigst forekommende formler, som anvendes i den første del af studiet, og som det er nyttigt at have samlet i én overskuelig og let anvendelig oversigt.


Nyhed - kan nu fås som Vital Source Bookshelf digitale bøger


Se alle Find Formlen bøger her


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