Viser: Novo Nordisk, engelsk udg.

Novo Nordisk, engelsk udg.

Novo Nordisk, engelsk udg.

Kurt Jacobsen
Sprog: Engelsk
Gads Forlag
499,00 kr.
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  • Indbundet: 488 sider
  • Udgiver: Gads Forlag (Marts 2023)
  • ISBN: 9788712073901
Today Novo Nordisk is Denmark’s largest industrial enterprise and one of the most highly valued companies in the world. The company is a global leader in pharmaceuticals for the treatment of diabetes, hemophilia disorders, and obesity, and it has positioned itself at the forefront with re-gard to social responsibility, environmental protection, and sustainability.
For the first time, this book tells the whole story of a basement business that was built into a global pharmaceutical company. It all began in 1922, when insulin came to Denmark and inspired the es-tablishment of two companies, Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium and Novo Terapeutisk Laboratorium. After many years of fierce rivalry, the two companies merged in 1989 in order to be able to survive in global competition. Soon after, years of merger negotiations brought Novo Nordisk to the brink of moving out of Denmark.
The story of Novo Nordisk is a story of groundbreaking research and big bets but also of setbacks and crises. A story of strong leaders and personalities but also of family struggles and company infighting. The book is based on full and unhindered access to the company’s archives.
Preface Prologue
Chapter 1 Insulin comes to Denmark
Chapter 2 Nordisk Insulin Laboratorium
Chapter 3 Novo Terapeutisk Laboratorium
Chapter 4 The world economic crisis and pancreas controversies
Chapter 5 The Hagedorn era
Chapter 6 The German occupation and a shortage of glands
Chapter 7 German insulin demands and a Danish legal showdown
Chapter 8 From war to the postwar age
Chapter 9 The succession to a throne and internal struggles
Chapter 10 Detergent enzymes and an American decline
Chapter 11 Cooperation or a merger?
Chapter 12 Sleeping Beauty awakens
Chapter 13 An initial public offering and a generational shift
Chapter 14 The race for human insulin
Chapter 15 Nordisk Gentofte A/S
Chapter 16 The merger that created Novo Nordisk A/S
Chapter 17 New markets in the east and new rules in the west
Chapter 18 Fusion or stand-alone
Chapter 19 From merger negotiations to splitting up
Chapter 20 The triple bottom line
Chapter 21 The firm, fusions, and the foundation
Chapter 22 Successes, disappointments, and Victoza
Chapter 23 Gains and setbacks
Chapter 24 New management and a "wonder drug"
Chapter 25 From insulin producer to broad pharmaceutical company Sources, literature, and illustrations Notes Index of names

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Novo Nordisk

Kurt Jacobsen
Gads Forlag (2023)
499,00 kr.
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