Viser: The Specialist Pipeline - Winning the War for Specialist Talent

The Specialist Pipeline - Winning the War for Specialist Talent

The Specialist Pipeline

Winning the War for Specialist Talent
Kent Jonasen
Sprog: Engelsk
Forbes Books
384,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 304 sider
  • Udgiver: Forbes Books (Februar 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781955884884

The lack of focus on specialists and the absence of a specialist architecture present real business challenges.

Many organizations articulate how important specialists are to the organization. Yet very few organizations have supporting architecture and structured development programs for specialists -- at least not beyond a title structure and purely technical training.

Organizations need an enduring specialist architecture that enables the entire organization to work with and talk about people matters in a consistent way. This architecture needs to set common standards for both performance potential and development, differentiated by different levels of specialists. It should also establish language and processes to address issues, identify problems, and exploit opportunities effectively, as well as data for making decisions about everything from job transition to performance.

This book will guide you on how fill the gap and get the necessary Specialist Pipeline architecture in place.

Foreword Preface SECTION 1 The Big Idea Introduction The Career Stories of Three Specialists SECTION 2 The Specialist Pipeline Concept The Specialist Pipeline Concept--An Overview From Professional to Knowledge Expert From Knowledge Expert to Knowledge Leader From Knowledge Leader to Knowledge Principal SECTION 3 Successful Implementation of the Specialist Pipeline Defining Your Specialist Pipeline Implementation Strategy Enabling Role Transition Combining the Specialist Pipeline and the Leadership Pipeline About the Author

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