Viser: Ship Stability - Strength and Loading Principles: Merchant Navy Officers of the Watch, Merchant Navy Chief Mates and Masters

Ship Stability - Strength and Loading Principles: Merchant Navy Officers of the Watch, Merchant Navy Chief Mates and Masters, 2. udgave

Ship Stability

Strength and Loading Principles: Merchant Navy Officers of the Watch, Merchant Navy Chief Mates and Masters
Martin A. Rhodes
Witherby & Company
1.550,00 kr. 1.395,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback
  • Udgiver: Witherby & Company (Januar 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781856099448
This is a clear and instructive guide to ship stability for anyone studying to become certified to Mate/Master or Officer of the Watch (OOW) level.

The book covers the following areas:

  • The ship stability syllabus requirements for learners studying for a STCW 78 as amended OFFICER IN CHARGE OF NAVIGATIONAL WATCH REG

  • The ship stability syllabus requirements for learners studying for a STCW 78 as amended CHIEF MATE/MASTER REG. II/2 (UNLIMITED) certificate of competency

  • The principles of ship construction, as necessary to understand the nature of the stresses to which a ship’s hull will be subjected in service.

Part A of this book covers ship stability for the officer of the watch, providing an overview of the basic principles of ship stability, before introducing the hydrostatic data used to conduct loading calculations. To allow readers to compare certain hull shapes and ensure the preservation of adequate reserve buoyancy at all times, both the principal design coefficients and load line requirements are described. The vertical position of the ship’s centre of gravity (G) and the factors influencing the position of the centre of buoyancy (B) are also discussed. This part also introduces the curve of statical stability, or GZ curve, and discusses the distinction between list and loll. To ensure that list is restricted to an acceptable limit, precautions for suspended weights are examined. Finally, this part examines the importance of trim when loading/discharging and ballasting the ship.

Part B considers ship strength and stresses, covering the classification of shipbuilding materials, ship stresses and structural strength compensation, shear force and bending moment calculations, and corrosion control.

Part C is aimed at mates and masters and provides comprehensive calculation procedures for trim, draught and load lines. It sets out the forces and stresses on a ship during dry-docking and explains the principles and procedures of the inclining experiment. It also looks at calculation of the angle of loll, factors affecting the shape of the curve of statical stability, wind heeling, heel when turning, calculation and assignment of freeboard, icing, bilging, and rolling and dangerous sea wave phenomena. Consideration is given to different types of cargo, such as bulk cargoes, grain and timber deck cargoes. Also included is the draught survey calculation procedure and assessment of compliance of the ship’s loaded condition with MCA and IMO stability criteria.

The publication also includes worked examples for voyage planning and ship load calculations.

Reference is made throughout to procedures for verifying compliance with intact stability criteria and relevant regulations, conventions and codes of practice.
Chapter 1 Basic Principles
Chapter 2 Hydrostatic Data – Draught, Displacement and Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion (TPC)
Chapter 3 Design Coefficients
Chapter 4 Load Lines
Chapter 5 Centre of Gravity (G) and Centre of Buoyancy (B)
Chapter 6 An Introduction to Transverse Statical Stability
Chapter 7 Conditions of Stability
Chapter 8 Initial Transverse Metacentre (M)
Chapter 9 Free Surface Effect
Chapter 10 The Curve of Statical Stability (GZ Curve)
Chapter 11 List
Chapter 12 Curves of Statical Stability for Different Conditions:
Chapter 13 Suspended Weights
Chapter 14 Trim

Chapter 15 Shipbuilding Materials
Chapter 16 Ship Stresses and Structural Strength Compensation
Chapter 17 Shear Force and Bending Moment Calculations
Chapter 18 Corrosion Control

Chapter 19 Change of Trim due to Change of Density and Harder Trim Problems
Chapter 20 Air Draughts
Chapter 21 Dry-Docking
Chapter 22 The Inclining Experiment
Chapter 23 The Wall-sided Formula including Calculating the
Chapter 24 Factors Affecting the Shape of the Curve of
Chapter 25 Assessing Compliance of a Ship’s Loaded Condition with MCA and IMO Stability Criteria
Chapter 26 Bulk Cargoes and the Carriage of Grain
Chapter 27 Calculation and Assignment of Freeboard
Chapter 28 Stability Aspects of Timber Deck Cargoes
Chapter 29 Wind Heeling
Chapter 30 Icing
Chapter 31 Draught Surveys
Chapter 32 Heel when Turning
Chapter 33 Bilging
Chapter 34 Rolling and Dangerous Sea Wave Phenomena
Chapter 35 Voyage Planning Calculations
Chapter 36 Ship Load Calculations

Appendix Ship Stability Data Sheets

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