Viser: Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road - Lessons from History to Shape Current Strategy

Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road
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Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road Vital Source e-bog

Grant Frederick Rhode
Naval Institute Press
514,00 kr.
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Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road - Lessons from History to Shape Current Strategy

Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road

Lessons from History to Shape Current Strategy
Grant Frederick Rhode
Sprog: Engelsk
Naval Institute Press
699,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Naval Institute Press (Oktober 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781682478677
Current concerns in maritime Eurasia are centered on rising powers China and India. By way of background to understanding the current regional great power rivalry within maritime Eurasia, this book asks what we can learn from historic Eurasian maritime geopolitical players and their interactions that will inform and enlighten today’s international relations practitioners. Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road examines three seminal historical cases of maritime clashes in the China Seas, four in the Indian Ocean, and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Each of these is an example of local or regional conflict reflecting the circumstances of time and place. The cases have been chosen to provide a comparative framework of significant premodern maritime clashes distributed along the full Eurasian maritime perimeter.  Lessons include understanding struggles between continental and maritime powers in Eurasia, and understanding the decisive impact that naval leadership, intelligence, technology, alliances, and identity have had in the past and will have on the future.  
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 360 sider
  • Udgiver: Naval Institute Press (Oktober 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781682478660
Current concerns in maritime Eurasia are centered on rising powers China and India. By way of background to understanding the current regional great power rivalry within maritime Eurasia, this book asks what we can learn from historic Eurasian maritime geopolitical players and their interactions that will inform and enlighten today's international relations practitioners. Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road examines three seminal historical cases of maritime clashes in the China Seas, four in the Indian Ocean, and one in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Each of these is an example of local or regional conflict reflecting the circumstances of time and place. The cases have been chosen to provide a comparative framework of significant premodern maritime clashes distributed along the full Eurasian maritime perimeter.  Lessons include understanding struggles between continental and maritime powers in Eurasia, and understanding the decisive impact that naval leadership, intelligence, technology, alliances, and identity have had in the past and will have on the future.

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