Viser: The Heart of Hospitality - Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets

The Heart of Hospitality - Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets

The Heart of Hospitality

Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets
Micah Solomon og Herve Humler
Sprog: Engelsk
SelectBooks, Incorporated
179,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 192 sider
  • Udgiver: SelectBooks, Incorporated (Oktober 2022)
  • Forfattere: Micah Solomon og Herve Humler
  • ISBN: 9781590794890
Success in today's rapidly changing hospitality industry depends on understanding the desires of guests of all ages, from seniors and boomers to the newly dominant millennial generation of travelers. Help has arrived with a compulsively-readable new standard, The Heart of Hospitality: Great Hotel and Restaurant Leaders Share Their Secrets by Micah Solomon, with a foreword by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company's president and COO Herve Humler.

This up-to-the-minute resource delivers the closely guarded customer experience secrets and on-trend customer service insights of today's top hoteliers, restaurateurs, and masters of hospitality management including:

Four Seasons Chairman Isadore Sharp: How to build an unsinkable company culture
Union Square Hospitality Group CEO Danny Meyer: His secrets of hiring, onboarding, training, and more
Tom Colicchio (Craft Restaurants, Top Chef): How to create a customer-centric customer experience in a chef-centric restaurant
Virgin Hotels CEO Raul Leal: How Virgin Hotels created its innovative, future-friendly hospitality approach
Ritz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler: How to engage today's new breed of luxury travelers
Double-five-star chef and hotelier Patrick O'Connell (The Inn at Little Washington) shares the secrets of creating hospitality connections
Designer David Rockwell on the secrets of building millennial-friendly restaurants and hotel spaces (W, Nobu, Andaz) that resonate with today's travelers
Restaurateur Traci Des Jardins on building a "narcissism-free" hospitality culture
Legendary chef Eric Ripert's principles of creating a great guest experiences, simultaneously within a single dining room.

The Heart of Hospitality is a hospitality management resource like no other, put together by leading customer service expert Micah Solomon. Filled with exclusive, first-hand stories and wisdom from the top professionals in the industry, The Heart of Hospitality is an essential hospitality industry resource.

As Ritz-Carlton President and COO Herve Humler says in his foreword to the book, "If you want to create and sustain a level of service so memorable that it becomes an unbeatable competitive advantage, you'll find the secrets here."
CONTENTS Foreword by Herve Humler, President and COO,The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC ix Introduction xi 1 The Last Customer on Earth 3 2 Systems and Standards: The Secret Weapons of Service 21 3 People Are the Heart of Hospitality 43 4 Building a Culture of Yes 71 5 Developing a Genuine Service Style 99 6 The Power of Authenticity 119 7 Moviemaking and Magic 137 8 The "Chocolate Tastes Better When It's Being Shared" Theorem 155 9 How the Digital Revolution Has Changed Your Customers 173 Afterword 201 Notes 203 List of Hospitality Leaders Who Were Interviewed by the Author for This Book 207 Index 213 About the Author 224

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