Viser: Principles of Fire Behavior

Principles of Fire Behavior, 2. udgave
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Principles of Fire Behavior Vital Source e-bog

James G. Quintiere
Taylor & Francis
1.891,00 kr.
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Principles of Fire Behavior, 2. udgave

Principles of Fire Behavior

James G. Quintiere
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
1.595,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (September 2016)
  • ISBN: 9781498735704
This text covers the four forms of fire: diffusion flames, smoldering, spontaneous combustion, and premixed flames. Using a quantitative approach, the text introduces the scientific principles of fire behavior, with coverage of heat transfer, ignition, flame spread, fire plumes, and heat flux as a damage variable. Cases, examples, problems, selected color illustrations and review of mathematics help students in fire safety and investigation understand fire from a scientific point of view.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 413 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (August 2016)
  • ISBN: 9781498735629

This text covers the four forms of fire: diffusion flames, smoldering, spontaneous combustion, and premixed flames. Using a quantitative approach, the text introduces the scientific principles of fire behavior, with coverage of heat transfer, ignition, flame spread, fire plumes, and heat flux as a damage variable. Cases, examples, problems, selected color illustrations and review of mathematics help students in fire safety and investigation understand fire from a scientific point of view.

Acronyms Nomenclature Evolution of Fire Science Learning Objectives Introduction What is Fire? Natural Causes of Fire Fire and War Fire in the United States and Abroad Fire Research Visualization of Fire Phenomena Scientific Language Summary Review Questions Activities References Combustion in Natural Fires Learning Objectives Introduction Fire and its Ingredients Diffusion Flames Premixed Flames Smoldering Spontaneous Combustion Summary Review Questions Activities References Heat Transfer Learning Objectives Introduction Definitions and Concepts Forms of Heat Transfer Heat Flux as an Indication of Damage Heat Flux due to Smoke in Room Fires Heat Flux from Flames Review Questions Activities References Ignition Learning Objectives Introduction Piloted Ignition and Autoignition Evaporation in Liquids Liquid Fuels Solid Fuels Time for Flaming Ignition Predicting the Ignition Time for Solid Fuels Solid Properties for Piloted Ignition Summary Review Questions Activities References Flame Spread Learning Objectives Introduction Definitions General Flame Spread Theory Spread on Solid Surfaces Spread through Porous Solid Arrays Spread on Liquids Spread through a Dwelling Typical Fire Spread Rates Standard Test Methods Case Study: Fire Spread in a School Gymnasium Summary Review Questions Activities References Burning Rate Learning Objectives Introduction Definitions and Theory Estimating Burning Rate Flux Energy Release Rate Q Estimating Energy Release Rate Experimental Firepower (HRR) Results for Selected Items Fire Growth Rate Vehicle Fire Behavior Extinction Summary Review Questions Activities References Fire Plumes Learning Objectives Introduction Buoyancy and Fluid Dynamics Turbulent Fire Plumes and Jets Buoyant Plumes Flame Height Fire Plume Temperatures Flame Lengths for Other Configurations Whirls and Balls Summary Review Questions Activities References Combustion Products Learning Objectives Introduction Scope of Combustion Products Yields Concentrations Hazards Summary Review Questions Activities References Compartment Fires Learning Objectives Introduction Stages of Fire Development Fire-Induced Flows Compartment Flow Dynamics Smoke Movement in a Building Single Room Fire Analyses Anatomy of Fire Growth Summary Review Questions Activities References Design, Investigation, and Case Studies Learning Objectives Introduction Fire Safety Design Fire Investigation Patterns Computerized Fire Models Appendix: Mathematics of Science Glossary Index

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