Viser: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management, 1. udgave
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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management Vital Source e-bog

Paul Griseri
Sage Publishing
435,00 kr.
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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management, 1. udgave

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management Vital Source e-bog

Paul Griseri
Sage Publishing
299,00 kr.
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An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management

Paul Griseri
Sprog: Engelsk
SAGE Publications, Limited
310,00 kr. 279,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (April 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781446291795
What and who is business for? What exactly is work and how can we distinguish it from other activity? Do businesses operate along different ethical lines from individuals? This clear and accessible text introduces key philosophical concepts and ideas and applies them to fundamental issues in management and organizations. Written for business and management students with no previous knowledge of philosophy, this text will lead readers to question the basic assumptions widely made about business and management. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management is packed with case studies and examples which provoke thought and discussion. Coverage includes crucial topics such as business ethics, culture and leadership. Key features: - Boxed definitions of key concepts - Real life case studies and examples - Questions for Reflection - Further reading This text is essential reading for any business and management student wanting to think creatively.  
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (April 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781446291795R180
What and who is business for? What exactly is work and how can we distinguish it from other activity? Do businesses operate along different ethical lines from individuals? This clear and accessible text introduces key philosophical concepts and ideas and applies them to fundamental issues in management and organizations. Written for business and management students with no previous knowledge of philosophy, this text will lead readers to question the basic assumptions widely made about business and management. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management is packed with case studies and examples which provoke thought and discussion. Coverage includes crucial topics such as business ethics, culture and leadership. Key features: - Boxed definitions of key concepts - Real life case studies and examples - Questions for Reflection - Further reading This text is essential reading for any business and management student wanting to think creatively.  
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 176 sider
  • Udgiver: SAGE Publications, Limited (Maj 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781446246979
What and who is business for?

What exactly is work and how can we distinguish it from other activity?

Do businesses operate along different ethical lines from individuals?

This clear and accessible text introduces key philosophical concepts and ideas and applies them to fundamental issues in management and organizations.

Written for business and management students with no previous knowledge of philosophy, this text will lead readers to question the basic assumptions widely made about business and management.

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management is packed with case studies and examples which provoke thought and discussion. Coverage includes crucial topics such as business ethics, culture and leadership.

Key features: - Boxed definitions of key concepts- Real life case studies and examples- Questions for Reflection- Further readingThis text is essential reading for any business and management student wanting to think creatively.  
INTRODUCTIONPART ONE: THE WHAT OF MANAGEMENTWhat Are Organisations? Workers and WorkLeading in OrganisationsPART TWO: THINKING AND KNOWING ABOUT MANAGEMENTQuestioning Our Knowledge about ManagementKnowledge in Management - Some AnswersContexts of Knowledge in OrganisationsPART THREE: WHAT TO DO? MAKING DECISIONS AND ACTING ETHICALLY IN MANAGEMENTIndividual and Organisational ActionTheories of Business EthicsBusiness and SocietyCONCLUSION

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