Viser: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Achieve

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Achieve, 6. udgave

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Achieve

Sprog: Engelsk
777,00 kr.
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  • 6. Udgave
  • Udgiver: (Juli 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781319450083
The Sixth Edition of Physics for Scientists and Engineers offers a completely integrated text and media solution that will help students learn most effectively and will enable professors to customize their classrooms so that they teach most efficiently.

The text includes a new strategic problem-solving approach, an integrated Math Tutorial, and new tools to improve conceptual understanding.

This is a book+software bundle, which includes Achieve, Macmillan's new online learning platform.

Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools.
Measurement and Vectors.-

PART I: MECHANICS.- Motion in One Dimension.- Motion in Two and Three Dimensions.- Newton's Laws.- Additional Applications of Newton's Laws.- Work and Kinetic Energy.- Conservation of Energy.- Conservation of Linear Momentum.- Rotation.- Angular Momentum.- Special Relativity.- Gravity.- Static Equilibrium and Elasticity.- Fluids.-

PART II: OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES.- Oscillations.- Traveling Waves.- Superposition and Standing Waves.-

PART III: THERMODYNAMICS.- Temperature and Kinetic Theory of Gases.- Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics.- The Second Law of Thermodynamics.- Thermal Properties and Processes.-

PART IV: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.- The Electric Field I: Discrete Charge Distributions.- The Electric Field II: Continuous Charge Distributions.- Electric Potential.- Capacitance.- Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits.- The Magnetic Field.- Sources of the Magnetic Field.- Magnetic Induction.- Alternating-Current Circuits.- Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves.-

PART V: LIGHT.- Properties of Light.- Optical Images.- Interference and Diffraction.- PART VI: MODERN PHYSICS: QUANTUM MECHANICS, RELATIVITY, AND THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER.- Wave-Particle Duality and Quantum Physics.- Applications of the Schrodinger Equation.- Atoms.- Molecules.- Solids.- Relativity.- Nuclear Physics.- Elementary Particles and the Beginning of the Universe.- Appendices.- Math Tutorial.- Answers to Odd-Numbered End-of-Chapter Problems.-


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