Viser: Molecular cell biology with Achieve

Achieve Access Code: Molecular Cell Biology Online Code

Achieve Access Code: Molecular Cell Biology Online Code

Sprog: Engelsk
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
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Molecular cell biology with Achieve, 9. udgave

Molecular cell biology with Achieve

David Hillis, H. Craig Heller, Sally D. Hacker, Dave Hall, David Sadava og Marta Laskowski
Sprog: Engelsk
855,00 kr. 769,50 kr.
Flere end 10 stk på lager
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Detaljer om varen

  • Udgiver: (Februar 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781319389086
Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers.

Achieve includes:

  • Access to the ebook to download, read and virtually annotate for a completely flexible experience
  • Course and book-specific resources including adaptive quizzing (Learning Curve) to personalize the experience for students
  • A grade book, assignable assessments with targeted feedback, insights and reporting, instructor resources - all with seamless integration options.

Lær mere om Achieve:
Achieve for Molecular Cell Biology (2-Term/Twelve-Months Online; International Edition).

Detaljer om varen

  • 9. Udgave
  • Udgiver: (Juli 2021)
  • Forfattere: David Hillis, H. Craig Heller, Sally D. Hacker, Dave Hall, David Sadava og Marta Laskowski
  • ISBN: 9781319389925
Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers.

Achieve is our online learning system backed by extensive development and research. Proven to increase student engagement and boost performance. Achieve offers:

Achieve is Macmillan Learning’s complete online learning system. It houses instructor resources to support teaching and a range of interactive resources and the full eBook to help students succeed in their course. Achieve includes:

  • Access to the ebook to download, read and virtually annotate for a completely flexible experience
  • Course and book-specific resources including adaptive quizzing (Learning Curve) to personalize the experience for students
  • A grade book, assignable assessments with targeted feedback, insights and reporting, instructor resources - all with seamless integration options.

Lær mere om Achieve:

Molecules, Cells, and Model Organisms
Chemical Foundations
Protein Structure and Function
Culturing and Visualizing Cells
Fundamental Molecular Genetic Mechanisms
Molecular Genetic Techniques
Genes and Genomics
Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression
Post-Transcriptional Gene Control
Biomembrane Structure
Transmembrane Transport of Ions and Small Molecules
Cellular Energetics

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