Viser: The Structural Basis of Architecture

The Structural Basis of Architecture, 3. udgave
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The Structural Basis of Architecture Vital Source e-bog

Bjørn N. Sandaker, Arne P. Eggen og Mark R. Cruvellier
Taylor & Francis
431,00 kr.
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The Structural Basis of Architecture, 3. udgave

The Structural Basis of Architecture

Bjø N. Sandaker, Arne P. Eggen og Mark R. Cruvellier
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
350,00 kr. 315,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Marts 2019)
  • Forfattere: Bjørn N. Sandaker, Arne P. Eggen og Mark R. Cruvellier
  • ISBN: 9781317229179
This is a book that shows how to "see" structures as being integral to architecture. It engages a subject that is both about understanding the mechanical aspects of structure as well as being able to relate this to the space, form, and conceptual design ideas that are inherent to the art of building. Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the best-known works of architecture from past and present alike, this book places the subject within a contemporary context. The subject matter is approached in a qualitative and discursive manner, illustrated by many photographs and structural behavior diagrams. Accessible mathematical equations and worked-out examples are also included so as to deepen a fundamental understanding of the topic. This new, color edition’s format has been thoroughly revised and its content updated and expanded throughout. It is perfect as either an introductory structures course text or as a designer’s sourcebook for inspiration, for here two essential questions are addressed in parallel fashion: “How do structures work?” and “What form do structures take in the context of architecture – and why so?” A rich, varied and engaging rationale for structural form in architecture thus emerges.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 560 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (April 2019)
  • Forfattere: Bjø N. Sandaker, Arne P. Eggen og Mark R. Cruvellier
  • ISBN: 9781138651999

This is a book that shows how to "see" structures as being integral to architecture. It engages a subject that is both about understanding the mechanical aspects of structure as well as being able to relate this to the space, form, and conceptual design ideas that are inherent to the art of building.

Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the best-known works of architecture from past and present alike, this book places the subject within a contemporary context. The subject matter is approached in a qualitative and discursive manner, illustrated by many photographs and structural behavior diagrams. Accessible mathematical equations and worked-out examples are also included so as to deepen a fundamental understanding of the topic.

This new, color edition's format has been thoroughly revised and its content updated and expanded throughout. It is perfect as either an introductory structures course text or as a designer's sourcebook for inspiration, for here two essential questions are addressed in parallel fashion: "How do structures work?" and "What form do structures take in the context of architecture - and why so?" A rich, varied and engaging rationale for structural form in architecture thus emerges.

1. Structuring Space
2. Introducing Structural Systems
3. Loads
4. Statics
5. Materials
6. The Hanger and the Tie
7. The Beam and the Slab
8. The Column and the Wall
9. The Truss and the Space Frame
10. The Frame and the Shear Wall
11. The Cable and the Membrane
12. The Arch and the Vault
13. The Dome and the Shell Endnotes Illustration Credits Bibliography
Index (by project name)
Index (by subject)

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