Viser: Reframing Organizations - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership

Reframing Organizations, 7. udgave
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Reframing Organizations Vital Source e-bog

Lee G. Bolman og Terrence E. Deal
John Wiley & Sons
646,00 kr. 581,40 kr.
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Reframing Organizations - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, 7. udgave

Reframing Organizations

Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
Lee G. Bolman og Terrence E. Deal
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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  • 7. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (August 2021)
  • Forfattere: Lee G. Bolman og Terrence E. Deal
  • ISBN: 9781119756842


Bolman and Deal’s four-frame model has been transforming business leadership for over 40 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach to management, this deceptively simple model offers a powerful set of tools for navigating complexity and turbulence; as the political and economic climate continues to evolve, this model has never been more relevant than today. 

The Structural Frame explores the convergence of organizational structure and function, and shows why social architecture must take environment into account. Case studies illustrate successful alignment in diverse organizations, and guidelines provide strategic insight for avoiding common pathologies and achieving the right fit.

The Human Resource Frame dissects the complex dynamics at the intersection of people and organizations and charts the leadership and human resource practices that build motivation and high performance. 

The Political Frame shows how competition, conflict, and the struggle for power and resources can be either a tool for growth or a toxic landmine for an individual or organization. Case studies show how both constructive and destructive practices influence social, political, and economic trends both within and beyond organizational boundaries.

The Symbolic Frame defines organizational culture, and delves into the emotional and existential underbelly of social life. It underscores the power of symbolic forms such as heroes, myths, and rituals in providing the glue that bonds social collectives together. 

The Seventh Edition has been updated with new information on cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, cross-cultural communication, and more, with an expanded Instructor’s Guide that includes summaries, mini-assessments, videos, and extra resources.


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Detaljer om varen

  • 7. Udgave
  • Paperback: 544 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (November 2021)
  • Forfattere: Lee G. Bolman og Terrence E. Deal
  • ISBN: 9781119855125


Bolman and Deal's four-frame model has been transforming business leadership for over 40 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach to management, this deceptively simple model offers a powerful set of tools for navigating complexity and turbulence; as the political and economic climate continues to evolve, this model has never been more relevant than today. 

The Structural Frame explores the convergence of organizational structure and function, and shows why social architecture must take environment into account. Case studies illustrate successful alignment in diverse organizations, and guidelines provide strategic insight for avoiding common pathologies and achieving the right fit.

The Human Resource Frame dissects the complex dynamics at the intersection of people and organizations and charts the leadership and human resource practices that build motivation and high performance. 

The Political Frame shows how competition, conflict, and the struggle for power and resources can be either a tool for growth or a toxic landmine for an individual or organization. Case studies show how both constructive and destructive practices influence social, political, and economic trends both within and beyond organizational boundaries.

The Symbolic Frame defines organizational culture, and delves into the emotional and existential underbelly of social life. It underscores the power of symbolic forms such as heroes, myths, and rituals in providing the glue that bonds social collectives together. 

The Seventh Edition has been updated with new information on cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, cross-cultural communication, and more, with an expanded Instructor's Guide that includes summaries, mini-assessments, videos, and extra resources.


Preface Acknowledgments
PART ONE I Making Sense of Organizations 1 Introduction: The Power of Reframing 2 Simple Ideas, Complex Organizations
PART TWO II The Structural Frame 3 Getting Organized 4 Structure and Restructuring 5 Organizing Groups and Teams
PART THREE III The Human Resource Frame 6 People and Organizations 7 Improving Human Resource Management 8 Interpersonal and Group Dynamics
PART FOUR IV The Political Frame 9 Power, Conflict, and Coalition 10 The Manager as Politician 11 Organizations as Political Arenas and Political Agents
PART FIVE V The Symbolic Frame 12 Organizational Symbols and Culture 13 Culture in Action 14 Organization as Theater
PART SIX VI Improving Leadership Practice 15 Integrating Frames for Effective Practice 16 Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils 17 Leadership in Theory and Practice 18 Reframing Leadership 19 Reframing Change in Organizations 20 Reframing Ethics and Spirit 21 Bringing It All Together: Change and Leadership in Action 22 Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership Appendix: The Best of Organizational Studies Bibliography The Authors Name Index Subject Index

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