Viser: The Design Thinking Toolbox - A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular and Valuable Innovation Methods

The Design Thinking Toolbox
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The Design Thinking Toolbox Vital Source e-bog

Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link og Larry Leifer
John Wiley & Sons
299,00 kr.
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The Design Thinking Toolbox - A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular and Valuable Innovation Methods

The Design Thinking Toolbox

A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular and Valuable Innovation Methods
Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link og Larry Leifer
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
299,00 kr. 269,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Marts 2020)
  • Forfattere: Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link og Larry Leifer
  • ISBN: 9781119629214

How to use the Design Thinking Tools

A practical guide to make innovation happen

The Design Thinking Toolbox explains the most important tools and methods to put Design Thinking into action. Based on the largest international survey on the use of design thinking, the most popular methods are described in four pages each by an expert from the global Design Thinking community. If you are involved in innovation, leadership, or design, these are tools you need. Simple instructions, expert tips, templates, and images help you implement each tool or method.

  • Quickly and comprehensively familiarize yourself with the best design thinking tools
  • Select the appropriate warm-ups, tools, and methods
  • Explore new avenues of thinking
  • Plan the agenda for different design thinking workshops
  • Get practical application tips

The Design Thinking Toolbox help innovators master the early stages of the innovation process. It?s the perfect complement to the international bestseller The Design Thinking Playbook.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 320 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (April 2020)
  • Forfattere: Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link og Larry Leifer
  • ISBN: 9781119629191

How to use the Design Thinking Tools

A practical guide to make innovation happen

The Design Thinking Toolbox explains the most important tools and methods to put Design Thinking into action. Based on the largest international survey on the use of Design Thinking, the most popular methods are described in four pages each by an expert from the global Design Thinking community. If you are involved in innovation, leadership, or design, these are tools you need. Simple instructions, expert tips, templates, and images help you implement each tool or method.

  • Quickly and comprehensively familiarize yourself with the best design thinking tools
  • Select the appropriate warm-ups, tools, and methods
  • Explore new avenues of thinking
  • Plan the agenda for different design thinking workshops
  • Get practical application tips

The Design Thinking Toolbox help innovators master the early stages of the innovation process. It's the perfect complement to the international bestseller The Design Thinking Playbook.

Preface 5 The Toolbox in a nutshell 10 The global survey 13 What is design thinking? 17 Quick start 27 The Toolbox 36 Warm-ups that fit the setting 39 Clapping game 41 Bingo 42 Stop & go 43 30 circles 44 Ninja 45 Marshmallow challenge 46 Understand 47 Problem statement 49 Design principles 53 Interview for empathy 57 Explorative interview 63 Ask 5x why 67 5W+H questions 71 Jobs to be done 75 Extreme users/lead users 79 Stakeholder map 83 Emotional response cards 87 Observe 91 Empathy map 93 Persona/user profile 97 Customer journey map 103 AEIOU 107 Analysis questions builder 111 Peers observing peers 115 Trend analysis 119 Define point of view 123 "How might we..." question 125 Storytelling 129 Context mapping 133 Define success 137 Vision cone 141 Critical items diagram 145 Ideate 149 Brainstorming 151 2x2 matrix 155 Dot voting 159 6-3-5 method 163 Special brainstorming 167 Analogies & benchmarking as inspiration 171 NABC 177 Blue ocean tool & buyer utility map 181 Prototype 185 Frequently used kinds of prototypes 187 Exploration map 195 Prototype to test 199 Service blueprint 203 MVP 207 Test 211 Testing sheet 213 Feedback capture grid 217 Powerful questions in experience testing 221 Solution interview 225 Structured usability testing 229 A/B testing 233 Reflect 237 I like, I wish, I wonder 239 Retrospective "sailboat" 243 Create a pitch 247 Lean canvas 251 Lessons learned 255 Road map for implementation 259 Problem to growth & scale innovation funnel 263 Applications 267 Universities: ME310 at Stanford University 269 Companies: "Co-creation toolbox" by Siemens 273 Intrapreneurship: "Kickbox" by Swisscom 277 Transformation: "Digital transformation road map" 281 Promotion of young talent: "Young innovators" 285 Personal change: "Design thinking life 289 Closing words 293 Authors & contributors 296 Sources and index 301 Workshop Planning Canvas 309

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