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Essential Epidemiology (Enhanced Edition): An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals, 4. udgave
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Essential Epidemiology (Enhanced Edition): An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals Vital Source e-bog

Penelope Webb, Chris Bain og Andrew Page
Cambridge University Press
646,00 kr.
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Essential Epidemiology - An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals, 4. udgave

Essential Epidemiology

An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals
Penny Webb, Chris Bain og Andrew Page
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
666,00 kr.
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  • 4. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (November 2019)
  • Forfattere: Penelope Webb, Chris Bain og Andrew Page
  • ISBN: 9781108726306
Now in its fourth edition, Essential Epidemiology is an engaging and accessible introduction to the foundations of epidemiology. This text introduces the core concepts and shows the essential role of epidemiology in public health and medicine across a broad range of health monitoring and research activities. It draws on cases from chronic and infectious diseases, with vibrant contemporary, historical and hypothetical examples that enable students to engage with the content, while maintaining the mathematics requirement at an understandable level. Complexities are presented as optional material for extension. With more than 90 questions and answers to work through in the print book, and hundreds more in the interactive eBook, this is an essential resource for students, practitioners and anyone else who needs to interpret health data in their studies or work. Epidemiology’s most important goal is to bring rigour to the collection, analysis and interpretation of health data, to improve health at a global scale. Essential Epidemiology is highly regarded as the resource that provides readers with the tools to achieve that goal.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Paperback: 504 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (November 2019)
  • Forfattere: Penny Webb, Chris Bain og Andrew Page
  • ISBN: 9781108766807
Now in its fourth edition, Essential Epidemiology is an engaging and accessible introduction to the foundations of epidemiology. It addresses the study of infectious and chronic diseases, public health and clinical epidemiology, and the role of epidemiology in a range of health monitoring and research activities. Contemporary, historical and hypothetical examples enable students to engage with content, while mathematics is kept understandable with complex mathematics housed in optional material so the book remains accessible. With over ninety questions and answers to work through, this book is an essential resource for students, practitioners and anyone else who needs to interpret health data in their studies or work. Epidemiology's most important goal is to bring rigour to the collection, analysis and interpretation of health data to improve health on a global scale; Essential Epidemiology provides readers the tools to achieve that goal.
1. Epidemiology is
2. How long is a piece of string? Measuring disease frequency;
3. Who, what, where and when? Descriptive epidemiology;
4. Healthy research: study designs for public health;
5. Why? Linking exposure and disease;
6. Heads or tails: the role of chance;
7. All that glitters is not gold: the problem of error;
8. Muddied waters: the challenge of confounding;
9. Reading between the lines: reading and writing epidemiological papers;
10. Who sank the boat? Association and causation;
11. Assembling the building blocks: reviews and their uses;
12. Surveillance: collecting health-related data for epidemiological intelligence and public health action with Martyn Kirk;
13. Outbreaks, epidemics and clusters with Martyn Kirk and Adrian Sleigh;
14. Prevention: better than cure?;
15. Early detection: what benefits at what cost?;
16. Epidemiology and the public's health.

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