Viser: Fundamentals of Geophysics

Fundamentals of Geophysics, 3. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Fundamentals of Geophysics Vital Source e-bog

William Lowrie og Andreas Fichtner
Cambridge University Press
562,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Geophysics, 3. udgave

Fundamentals of Geophysics

William Lowrie og Andreas Fichtner
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
640,00 kr. 576,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Januar 2020)
  • Forfattere: William Lowrie og Andreas Fichtner
  • ISBN: 9781108586436
This enduringly popular undergraduate textbook has been thoroughly reworked and updated, and now comprises twelve chapters covering the same breadth of topics as earlier editions, but in a substantially modernized fashion to facilitate classroom teaching. Covering both theoretical and applied aspects of geophysics, clear explanations of the physical principles are blended with step-by-step derivations of the key equations and over 400 explanatory figures to explain the internal structure and properties of the planet, including its petroleum and mineral resources. New topics include the latest data acquisition technologies, such as satellite geophysics, planetary landers, ocean bottom seismometers, and fibre optic methods, as well as recent research developments in ambient noise interferometry, seismic hazard analysis, rheology, and numerical modelling - all illustrated with examples from the scientific literature. Student-friendly features include separate text boxes with auxiliary explanations and advanced topics of interest; reading lists of foundational, alternative, or more detailed resources; end-of-chapter review questions and an increased number of quantitative exercises. Completely new to this edition is the addition of computational exercises in Python, designed to help students acquire important programming skills and develop a more profound understanding of geophysics.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 425 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Januar 2020)
  • Forfattere: William Lowrie og Andreas Fichtner
  • ISBN: 9781108716970
This enduringly popular undergraduate textbook has been thoroughly reworked and updated, and now comprises twelve chapters covering the same breadth of topics as earlier editions, but in a substantially modernized fashion to facilitate classroom teaching. Covering both theoretical and applied aspects of geophysics, clear explanations of the physical principles are blended with step-by-step derivations of the key equations and over 400 explanatory figures to explain the internal structure and properties of the planet, including its petroleum and mineral resources. New topics include the latest data acquisition technologies, such as satellite geophysics, planetary landers, ocean bottom seismometers, and fibre optic methods, as well as recent research developments in ambient noise interferometry, seismic hazard analysis, rheology, and numerical modelling - all illustrated with examples from the scientific literature. Student-friendly features include separate text boxes with auxiliary explanations and advanced topics of interest; reading lists of foundational, alternative, or more detailed resources; end-of-chapter review questions and an increased number of quantitative exercises. Completely new to this edition is the addition of computational exercises in Python, designed to help students acquire important programming skills and develop a more profound understanding of geophysics.
1. The Solar System;
2. Plate tectonics;
3. Gravity and the figure of the Earth;
4. Gravity surveying;
5. Rheology of the Earth;
6. Seismology;
7. Earthquakes and the Earth's internal structure;
8. Geochronology;
9. The Earth's heat;
10. Geoelectricity;
11. The Earth's magnetic field;
12. Paleomagnetism; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.

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