Viser: Digital Signal Processing - Principles and Applications

Digital Signal Processing
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Digital Signal Processing Vital Source e-bog

Thomas Holton
Cambridge University Press
1.399,00 kr.
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Digital Signal Processing - Principles and Applications

Digital Signal Processing

Principles and Applications
Thomas Holton
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
799,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Februar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781108307932
Combining clear explanations of elementary principles, advanced topics and applications with step-by-step mathematical derivations, this textbook provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to digital signal processing. All the key topics are covered, including discrete-time Fourier transform, z-transform, discrete Fourier transform and FFT, A/D conversion, and FIR and IIR filtering algorithms, as well as more advanced topics such as multirate systems, the discrete cosine transform and spectral signal processing. Over 600 full-color illustrations, 200 fully worked examples, hundreds of end-of-chapter homework problems and detailed computational examples of DSP algorithms implemented in MATLAB® and C aid understanding, and help put knowledge into practice. A wealth of supplementary material accompanies the book online, including interactive programs for instructors, a full set of solutions and MATLAB® laboratory exercises, making this the ideal text for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on digital signal processing.
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  • Hardback: 1058 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Februar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781108418447
Combining clear explanations of elementary principles, advanced topics, and applications, with step-by-step mathematical derivations, this textbook provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to digital signal processing. All the key topics are covered, including discrete-time Fourier transform, z-transform, discrete Fourier transform, A/D conversion, and FIR and IIR filtering algorithms, as well as more advanced topics such as multi-rate systems, the discrete cosine transform, and spectral signal processing. Over 600 full-color illustrations, 200 fully worked examples, hundreds of end-of-chapter homework problems, and detailed computational examples of DSP algorithms implemented in Matlab and C aid understanding, and help put knowledge into practice. A wealth of supplementary material accompanies the book online, including interactive programs for instructors, a full set of solutions, and Matlab laboratory exercises, making this the ideal text for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on digital signal processing.
1. Signals and systems;
2. Impulse response;
3. Discrete-time Fourier transform;
4. z-transform;
5. Frequency response;
6. A/D and D/A conversion;
7. Finite impulse response systems;
8. Infinite impulse response systems;
9. Filter architecture;
10. Discrete Fourier transform;
11. Fast Fourier transform;
12. Discrete cosine transform;
13. Multirate and multistage systems;
14. Spectral analysis; Appendices; Index.

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