Viser: Design and Analysis of Control Systems - Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Design and Analysis of Control Systems, 2. udgave
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Design and Analysis of Control Systems Vital Source e-bog

Arthur G.O. Mutambara
Taylor & Francis
2.764,00 kr. 2.487,60 kr.
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Design and Analysis of Control Systems - Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2. udgave

Design and Analysis of Control Systems

Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Arthur G. O. Mutambara
Sprog: Engelsk
840,00 kr. 756,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Marts 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781003858638
Written to inspire and cultivate the ability to design and analyse feasible control algorithms for a wide range of engineering applications, this comprehensive text covers the theoretical and practical principles involved in the design and analysis of control systems. This second edition introduces 4IR adoption strategies for traditional intelligent control, including new techniques of implementing control systems. It provides improved coverage of the characteristics of feedback control, root-locus analysis, frequency-response analysis, state space methods, digital control systems and advanced controls, including updated worked examples and problems. Features: Describes very timely applications and contains a good mix of theory, application, and computer simulation. Covers all the fundamentals of control systems. Takes a transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach. Explores updates for 4IR (Industry 4.0) and includes better experiments and illustrations for nonlinear control systems. Includes homework problems, case studies, examples, and a solutions manual. This book is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, professional engineers and academic researchers, in interrelated engineering disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, aerospace, mechatronics, robotics and other AI-based systems.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 794 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (Marts 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781032718804

Written to inspire and cultivate the ability to design and analyse feasible control algorithms for a wide range of engineering applications, this comprehensive text covers the theoretical and practical principles involved in the design and analysis of control systems. This second edition introduces 4IR adoption strategies for traditional intelligent control, including new techniques of implementing control systems. It provides improved coverage of the characteristics of feedback control, root-locus analysis, frequency-response analysis, state space methods, digital control systems and advanced controls, including updated worked examples and problems.


  • Describes very timely applications and contains a good mix of theory, application, and computer simulation.
  • Covers all the fundamentals of control systems.
  • Takes a transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach.
  • Explores updates for 4IR (Industry 4.0) and includes better experiments and illustrations for nonlinear control systems.
  • Includes homework problems, case studies, examples, and a solutions manual.

This book is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students, professional engineers and academic researchers, in interrelated engineering disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, aerospace, mechatronics, robotics and other AI-based systems.

1. An Introduction to Control Systems
2. Modelling of Dynamic Systems
3. Dynamic System Response
4. Characteristics of Feedback Control Systems
5. Root Locus Design Methods
6. Frequency-Response Design Methods
7. State-Space Design Methods
8. Digital Control Systems
9. Advanced Control Systems
10. AI-Based Design and Analysis of Control Systems. Appendix A Appendix B

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