Viser: Fundamentals of Project Management

Fundamentals of Project Management, 5. udgave
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Fundamentals of Project Management Vital Source e-bog

Joseph Heagney
176,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Project Management, 5. udgave

Fundamentals of Project Management

Joseph Heagney
Sprog: Engelsk
239,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: AMACOM (August 2016)
  • ISBN: 9780814437377
Project mishaps are all too common but often easy to avoid. Fundamentals of Project Management gets both new and current managers up to speed on the basics—the first crucial step for completing projects timely and on budget. Having already helped many generations of project managers navigate the ins and outs of every aspect of successful project management, this revised edition remains the perfect resource for succeeding in this complex discipline that has changed greatly in recent years. In Fundamentals of Project Management, management expert Joseph Heagney contains new information on topics including: Clarify project goals and objectives Develop a work breakdown in structure Create a project risk plan Produce a realistic schedule Manage change requests Control and evaluate progress at every Fully updated in accordance with the latest version of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), this all-encompassing book contains expanded coverage on areas such as estimating, stakeholder management, procurement management, creating a communication plan, project closure, PMP certification requirements and more. Full of tools, techniques, examples, and instructive exercises, Fundamentals of Project Management will refresh your knowledge and equip you with the proper skills to succeed.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Paperback: 240 sider
  • Udgiver: AMACOM (August 2016)
  • ISBN: 9780814437360
Boasting sales of more than 200,000 copies, Fundamentals of Project Management has helped generations of project managers navigate the ins and outs of every aspect of this complex discipline. But much has changed in recent years.

Fully updated in accordance with the latest version of theProject Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK®), the fifth edition of this classic text remains the perfect introduction to the subject, showing readers how to:
  • Clarify project goals and objectives
  • Develop a work breakdown structure
  • Create a project risk plan
  • Produce a realistic schedule
  • Manage change requests
  • Control and evaluate progress at every stage
  • Lead the project team

    The book contains new information and expanded coverage on topics including estimating; stakeholder management; procurement management; creating a communication plan; project closure; requirements for PMP certification; and much more.

    Chock full of tools, techniques, examples, and instructive exercises, this up-to-the-minute guide will help you plan and execute projects on time, on budget—and with maximum efficiency.
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