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Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business, 1. udgave
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Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business Vital Source e-bog

Patrick M. Lencioni
John Wiley & Sons
210,00 kr.
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Death by Meeting - A Leadership Fable... about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business

Death by Meeting

A Leadership Fable... about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business
Patrick M. Lencioni
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
223,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juni 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780470893876
Casey McDaniel had never been so nervous in his life.   In just ten minutes, The Meeting, as it would forever be known, would begin.  Casey had every reason to believe that his performance over the next two hours would determine the fate of his career, his financial future, and the company he had built from scratch.  How could my life have unraveled so quickly? he wondered.  In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings.  And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary.  Casey McDaniel, the founder and CEO of Yip Software, is in the midst of a problem he created, but one he doesnt know how to solve.  And he doesnt know where or who to turn to for advice.  His staff cant help him; theyre as dumbfounded as he is by their tortuous meetings.  Then an unlikely advisor, Will Peterson, enters Caseys world.  When he proposes an unconventional, even radical, approach to solving the meeting problem, Casey is just desperate enough to listen.   As in his other books, Lencioni provides a framework for his groundbreaking model, and makes it applicable to the real world.  Death by Meeting is nothing short of a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion. 
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 272 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Marts 2004)
  • ISBN: 9780787968052
Casey McDaniel had never been so nervous in his life.

In just ten minutes, The Meeting, as it would forever be known, would begin.  Casey had every reason to believe that his performance over the next two hours would determine the fate of his career, his financial future, and the company he had built from scratch.

"How could my life have unraveled so quickly?" he wondered.

In his latest page-turning work of business fiction, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni provides readers with another powerful and thought-provoking book, this one centered around a cure for the most painful yet underestimated problem of modern business: bad meetings.  And what he suggests is both simple and revolutionary.

Casey McDaniel, the founder and CEO of Yip Software, is in the midst of a problem he created, but one he doesn't know how to solve.  And he doesn't know where or who to turn to for advice.  His staff can't help him; they're as dumbfounded as he is by their tortuous meetings.

Then an unlikely advisor, Will Peterson, enters Casey's world.  When he proposes an unconventional, even radical, approach to solving the meeting problem, Casey is just desperate enough to listen.

As in his other books, Lencioni provides a framework for his groundbreaking model, and makes it applicable to the real world.  Death by Meeting is nothing short of a blueprint for leaders who want to eliminate waste and frustration among their teams, and create environments of engagement and passion.

Introduction vii The Fable 1 Preview 3
Part One: Flashback 5
Part Two: Plot Point 19
Part Three: Protagonist 53
Part Four: Action 69
Part Five: Resolution 173 The Model 219 The Paradox of Meetings 221 Executive Summary 223 Problem #1: Lack of Drama 226 Problem #2: Lack of Contextual Structure 233 The Biggest Challenge of All: "The Myth of Too Many Meetings" 250 A Final Thought on Meetings 253 The Weekly Tactical Meeting Guide 254 Acknowledgments 255 About the Author 259

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