Viser: Business Marketing Management B2B

Business Marketing Management B2B, 12. udgave

Business Marketing Management B2B

Michael D. Hutt og Thomas W. Speh
Sprog: Engelsk
Cengage South-Western
854,00 kr. 768,60 kr.
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  • 12. Udgave
  • Paperback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: Cengage South-Western (Juli 2018)
  • Forfattere: Michael D. Hutt og Thomas W. Speh
  • ISBN: 9780357039243
Reflecting the latest trends and issues, market-leading BUSINESS MARKETING MANAGEMENT: B2B, 12e delivers comprehensive, cutting-edge coverage that equips readers with a solid understanding of today's fast-paced B2B market.

Highlighting the similarities--and emphasizing the differences--between consumer goods and B2B marketing, this proven text focuses on market analysis, organizational buying behavior, relationship management, and the ensuing adjustments required in the marketing strategy elements used to reach organizational customers.

Its managerial approach ties chapter concepts directly to real-world decision making. The new edition also includes additional emphasis on automated B2B practices and the impact of the Internet.


  • Customer Decision Journey: As the traditional procurement process has been disrupted by a host of new communication and social media channels, expanded treatment is provided of the strategic imperatives for marketers.

  • Smart, Connected Products: A timely and richly illustrated discussion describes the way in which a new class of smart, connected products (i.e., “Internet of things”) is transforming competition and what it means for marketing strategy.

  • Strategic Landscape: A comprehensive treatment of the strategic choices that smart, connected products present for managing products, delivering services, and creating value for business customers.

  • Social Media: A thorough examination of how the evolving social media landscape is impacting business-to-business communications and best practices for designing an integrated digital marketing strategy.

  • Sales Management Best Practices: The new edition includes expanded treatment of how leading-edge firms are (1) applying sales analytics to unearth micro markets within sales territories and (2) leveraging the power of social media to advance performance.

  • Sustainability: A timely and richly illustrated discussion of the distinctive competitive advantages that can be secured by a focus on environmental priorities.

PART I: THE ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS MARKETING.1. A Business Marketing Perspective.2. Organizational Buying Behavior.
PART II: MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS IN BUSINESS MARKETING.3. Customer Relationship Management Strategies for Business Markets.4. Segmenting the Business Market and Estimating Segment Demand.
PART III: FORUMLATING BUSINESS MARKET STRATEGY.5. Business Marketing Planning: Strategic Perspectives.6. Business Marketing Strategies for Global Markets.7. Managing Products for Business Markets.8. Managing Innovation and New Industrial Product Development.9. Managing Services for Business Markets.10. Managing Business Marketing Channels.11. Supply Chain Management.12. Pricing Strategies for Business Markets.13. Business Marketing Communications: Advertising and Sales Promotion.14. Business Marketing Communications: Managing the Personal Selling Function.
PART IV: EVALUATING BUSINESS MARKETING STRATEGY AND PERFORMANCE.15. Marketing Performance Measurement.Business Insights.

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