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Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2. udgave
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Principles of Quantum Mechanics Vital Source e-bog

R. Shankar
Springer Nature
787,00 kr.
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Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2. udgave

Principles of Quantum Mechanics Vital Source e-bog

R. Shankar
Springer Nature
511,00 kr.
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Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2. udgave

Principles of Quantum Mechanics

R. Shankar
Sprog: Engelsk
997,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (December 2012)
  • ISBN: 9781475705768
R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include: - Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics - A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics - Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates - Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book’s self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (December 2012)
  • ISBN: 9781475705768R180
R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include: - Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics - A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics - Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates - Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book’s self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 694 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer (August 1994)
  • ISBN: 9780306447907

R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include:

- Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics

- A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics

- Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates

- Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics

The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book's self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.

1. Mathematical Introduction.-
1.1. Linear Vector Spaces: Basics.-
1.2. Inner Product Spaces.-
1.3. Dual Spaces and the Dirac Notation.-
1.4. Subspaces.-
1.5. Linear Operators.-
1.6. Matrix Elements of Linear Operators.-
1.7. Active and Passive Transformations.-
1.8. The Eigenvalue Problem.-
1.9. Functions of Operators and Related Concepts.-
1.10. Generalization to Infinite Dimensions.-
2. Review of Classical Mechanics.-
2.1. The Principle of Least Action and Lagrangian Mechanics.-
2.2. The Electromagnetic Lagrangian.-
2.3. The Two-Body Problem.-
2.4. How Smart Is a Particle?.-
2.5. The Hamiltonian Formalism.-
2.6. The Electromagnetic Force in the Hamiltonian Scheme.-
2.7. Cyclic Coordinates, Poisson Brackets, and Canonical Transformations.-
2.8. Symmetries and Their Consequences.-
3. All Is Not Well with Classical Mechanics.-
3.1. Particles and Waves in Classical Physics.-
3.2. An Experiment with Waves and Particles (Classical).-
3.3. The Double-Slit Experiment with Light.-
3.4. Matter Waves (de Broglie Waves).-
3.5. Conclusions.-
4. The Postulates--a General Discussion.-
4.1. The Postulates.-
4.2. Discussion of Postulates I -III.-
4.3. The Schrödinger Equation (Dotting Your i''s and Crossing your ?''s).-
5. Simple Problems in One Dimension.-
5.1. The Free Particle.-
5.2. The Particle in a Box.-
5.3. The Continuity Equation for Probability.-
5.4. The Single-Step Potential: a Problem in Scattering.-
5.5. The Double-Slit Experiment.-
5.6. Some Theorems.-
6. The Classical Limit.-
7. The Harmonic Oscillator.-
7.1. Why Study the Harmonic Oscillator?.-
7.2. Review of the Classical Oscillator.-
7.3. Quantization of the Oscillator (Coordinate Basis).-
7.4. The Oscillator in the Energy Basis.-
7.5. Passage from the Energy Basis to the X Basis.-
8. The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Theory.-
8.1. The Path Integral Recipe.-
8.2. Analysis of the Recipe.-
8.3. An Approximation to U(t) for the Free Particle.-
8.4. Path Integral Evaluation of the Free-Particle Propagator.-
8.5. Equivalence to the Schrödinger Equation.-
8.6. Potentials of the Form V=a + bx + cx2 + d? + ex?.-
9. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations.-
9.1. Introduction.-
9.2. Derivation of the Uncertainty Relations.-
9.3. The Minimum Uncertainty Packet.-
9.4. Applications of the Uncertainty Principle.-
9.5. The Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation.-
10. Systems with N Degrees of Freedom.-
10.1. N Particles in One Dimension.-
10.2. More Particles in More Dimensions.-
10.3. Identical Particles.-
11. Symmetries and Their Consequences.-
11.1. Overview.-
11.2. Translational Invariance in Quantum Theory.-
11.3. Time Translational Invariance.-
11.4. Parity Invariance.-
11.5. Time-Reversal Symmetry.-
12. Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum.-
12.1. Translations in Two Dimensions.-
12.2. Rotations in Two Dimensions.-
12.3. The Eigenvalue Problem of Lz.-
12.4. Angular Momentum in Three Dimensions.-
12.5. The Eigenvalue Problem of L2 and Lz.-
12.6. Solution of Rotationally Invariant Problems.-
13. TheHydrogen Atom.-
13.1. The Eigenvalue Problem.-
13.2. The Degeneracy of the Hydrogen Spectrum.-
13.3. Numerical Estimates and Comparison with Experiment.-
13.4. Multielectron Atoms and the Periodic Table.-
14. Spin.-
14.1. Introduction.-
14.2. What is the Nature of Spin?.-
14.3. Kinematics of Spin.-
14.4. Spin Dynamics.-
14.5. Return of Orbital Degrees of Freedom.-
15. Addition of Angular Momenta.-
15.1. A Simple Example.-
15.2. The General Problem.-
15.3. Irreducible Tensor Operators.-
15.4. Explanation of Some "Accidental" Degeneracies.-
16. Variational and WKB Methods.-
16.1. The Variational Method.-
16.2. The Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Method.-
17. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory.-
17.1. The Formalism.-
17.2. Some Examples.-
17.3. Degenerate Perturbation Theory.-
18. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.-
18.1. The Problem.-
18.2. First-Order Perturbation Theory.-
18.3. Higher Orders in Perturbation Theory.-
18.4. A General Discussion of Electromagnetic Interactions.-
18.5. Interaction of Atoms with Electromagnetic Radiation.-
19. Scattering Theory.-
19.1. Introduction.-
19.2. Recapitulation of One-Dimensional Scattering and Overview.-
19.3. The Born Approximation (Time-Dependent Description).-
19.4. Born Again (The Time-Independent Approximation).-
19.5. The Partial Wave Expansion.-
19.6. Two-Particle Scattering.-
20. The Dirac Equation.-
20.1. The Free-Particle Dirac Equation.-
20.2. Electromagnetic Interaction of the Dirac Particle.-
20.3. More on Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.-
21. Path Integrals--II.-
21.1. Derivation of the Path Integral.-
21.2. Imaginary Time Formalism.-
21.3. Spin and Fermion Path Integrals.-
21.4. Summary.- A.l. Matrix Inversion.- A.2. Gaussian Integrals.- A.3. Complex Numbers.

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