Viser: A Study of War ( Midway Reprint ) (2ND ed.)

A Study of War ( Midway Reprint ) (2ND ed.)

A Study of War ( Midway Reprint ) (2ND ed.)

Sprog: Engelsk
995,00 kr.
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  • Udgiver: (Juni 2022)
  • ISBN: 9780226910017

Part One - The Phenomenon of War I. Concepts of War
1. War as a Problem
2. Definitions of War
3. Manifestations of War II. The History of War
1. Origin of War
2. Animal Warfare
3. Primitive Warfare
4. Historic Warfare III Modern Warfare
1. Fluctuations and Trends
2. Techniques
3. Functions IV. Changes in War Through History
1. War and Changing Conditions
2. War and Stability
3. Modernism and Stability
Part Two - Conditions Making For War V. Causation and War
1. Meaning of "Cause"
2. Assumptions and Causes A. The Struggle for Power among Governments VI. The Balance of Power
1. Meaning of the Balance of Power
2. The Stability of the Balance
3. The Balance of Power in History VII. Policies and Power
1. Territorial Changes
2. Alliances and Guaranties
3. Neutrality
4. Armament and Disarmament VIII. Constitutions and Politics
1. Government, State, and Society
2. Constitutions and Foreign Policy
3. The Political Constitution and War
4. The Social Constitution and War
5. Vulnerability and War B. Legal Toleration of War by States IX. Law and Violence
1. Law, War, and Peace
2. War and the Duel
3. War and Ethics
4. War and Private-Law Analogies
5. War and Modern International Law X. Sovereignty and War
1. The Conception of Sovereignty
2. Political and Legal Sovereignty
3. Sovereignty and Security XI. Law and Politics
1. Legal Competence and Political Power
2. International Sanctions
3. International Legislation
4. Peace and Justice C. Cultural Diversity of Nations XII. Nationalism and War
1. Wars Arising from Nationalism
2. Characteristics of Nationalism
3. Measurement and Building of Nationalism
4. Evolution of Nationalism XIII. The Family of Nations
1. Tendencies and Forms of Families of Nations
2. Concepts of a World-Society
3. Conditions of a World-Society
4. Organization of Modern Civilization XIV. Social Integration and War
1. Conflict and Society
2. Community-building in History
3. The Process of Community-building
4. The Role of Symbols in Social Organization
5. The Role of Violence in Social Organization D. The People and War XV. Public Opinion and War
1. Symbols of War and Peace
2. Peace and War Propaganda
3. Conditions Favorable to Warlike Opinions
4. Opinions, Conditions, and War XVI. Population Changes and War
1. Philosophical Analysis
2. Historical Analysis
3. Psychological Analysis
4. Sociological Analysis
5. Influence of Population on War XVII. The Utilization of Resources and War
1. Competition for the Means of Living
2. Types of Economy
3. Causes of War under Socialism
4. Causes of War under Capitalism XVIII. Human Nature and War
1. Personal Motives and Personality Types
2. Cultural Attitudes
3. Personality Ideals
Part Three - The Prediction of War XIX. Analysis of International Relations
1. Aspects of Distances
2. Policies and Distances
3. Analysis and Prediction XX. The Probability of War
1. Opinions of Experts
2. Trends of Indices
3. Periodicy of Crises
4. Relations among Distances XXI. Causes of War
1. Political Lag
2. Sociological Functions of War
3. Psychological Drives to War
4. Technological Utility of War
5. Legal Rationality of War XXII. Conditions of Peace
1. General Characteristics of Law concerning War
2. Development of Modern International Law
3. International Law and Municipal Law
4. International Procedures and War
Part Four - Control of War XXIII. Synthesis and Practice
1. Planning and Politics
2. Principles of Social Action
3. Ends and Means XXIV. The Prevention of War
1. The Aggressive Government
2. The International Feud
3. The World Crisis
4. The Incipient War XXV. The Organization of Peace
1. The Structure of Peace
2. The Functioning of Peace
3. Education for Peace
4. Peace in the Atomic Age Index

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