Viser: Atkins' Physical Chemistry

Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 12. udgave

Atkins' Physical Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
Oxford University Press
432,00 kr. 388,80 kr.
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Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 12. udgave

Atkins' Physical Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
Oxford University Press
499,00 kr. 449,10 kr.
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Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 12. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Atkins' Physical Chemistry Vital Source e-bog

Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
Oxford University Press
666,00 kr. 599,40 kr.
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Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 12. udgave

Atkins' Physical Chemistry

Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
Oxford University Press
777,00 kr. 699,30 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 12. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Marts 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
  • ISBN: 9780192608772R180
The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the twelfth edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. The writing style has been refreshed in collaboration with current students of physical chemistry in order to retain the clarity for which the book is recognised while mirroring the way you read and engage with information. The new edition is now available as an enhanced e-book, which offers you a richer, more dynamic learning experience. It does this by incorporating digital enhancements that are carefully curated and thoughtfully inserted at meaningful points to enhance the learning experience. In addition, it offers formative auto-graded assessment materials to provide you with regular opportunities to test their understanding. Digital enhancements introduced for the new edition include dynamic graphs, which you can interact with to explore how the manipulation of variables affects the results of the graphs; self-check questions at the end of every Topic; video content from physical chemists; and video tutorials to accompany each Focus, which dig deeper into the key equations introduced. There is also a new foundational prologue entitled 'Energy: A First Look', which summarizes key concepts that are best kept in mind right from the beginning of your physical chemistry studies. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 12. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Marts 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
  • ISBN: 9780192608772R365
The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the twelfth edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. The writing style has been refreshed in collaboration with current students of physical chemistry in order to retain the clarity for which the book is recognised while mirroring the way you read and engage with information. The new edition is now available as an enhanced e-book, which offers you a richer, more dynamic learning experience. It does this by incorporating digital enhancements that are carefully curated and thoughtfully inserted at meaningful points to enhance the learning experience. In addition, it offers formative auto-graded assessment materials to provide you with regular opportunities to test their understanding. Digital enhancements introduced for the new edition include dynamic graphs, which you can interact with to explore how the manipulation of variables affects the results of the graphs; self-check questions at the end of every Topic; video content from physical chemists; and video tutorials to accompany each Focus, which dig deeper into the key equations introduced. There is also a new foundational prologue entitled 'Energy: A First Look', which summarizes key concepts that are best kept in mind right from the beginning of your physical chemistry studies. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 12. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Marts 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
  • ISBN: 9780192608772
The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the twelfth edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. The writing style has been refreshed in collaboration with current students of physical chemistry in order to retain the clarity for which the book is recognised while mirroring the way you read and engage with information. The new edition is now available as an enhanced e-book, which offers you a richer, more dynamic learning experience. It does this by incorporating digital enhancements that are carefully curated and thoughtfully inserted at meaningful points to enhance the learning experience. In addition, it offers formative auto-graded assessment materials to provide you with regular opportunities to test their understanding. Digital enhancements introduced for the new edition include dynamic graphs, which you can interact with to explore how the manipulation of variables affects the results of the graphs; self-check questions at the end of every Topic; video content from physical chemists; and video tutorials to accompany each Focus, which dig deeper into the key equations introduced. There is also a new foundational prologue entitled 'Energy: A First Look', which summarizes key concepts that are best kept in mind right from the beginning of your physical chemistry studies. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 4 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 12. Udgave
  • Paperback: 976 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (December 2022)
  • Forfattere: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula og James Keeler
  • ISBN: 9780198847816
1: The properties of gasesFocus
2: The First LawFocus
3: The Second and Third LawsFocus
4: Physical transformations of pure substancesFocus
5: Simple mixturesFocus
6: Chemical equilibriumFocus
7: Quantum theoryFocus
8: Atomic structure and spectraFocus
9: Molecular structureFocus
10: Molecular symmetryFocus
11: Molecular spectroscopyFocus
12: Magnetic resonanceFocus
13: Statistical thermodynamicsFocus
14: Molecular interactionsFocus
15: SolidsFocus
16: Molecules in motionFocus
17: Chemical kineticsFocus
18: Reaction dynamicsFocus
19: Processes at solid surfaces

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