Viser: Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Magnetism in Condensed Matter
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Magnetism in Condensed Matter Vital Source e-bog

Stephen Blundell
Oxford University Press
257,00 kr. 231,30 kr.
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Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Magnetism in Condensed Matter Vital Source e-bog

Stephen Blundell
Oxford University Press
167,00 kr. 150,30 kr.
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Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Magnetism in Condensed Matter Vital Source e-bog

Stephen Blundell
Oxford University Press
192,00 kr. 172,80 kr.
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Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Stephen Blundell
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press
444,00 kr. 399,60 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2001)
  • ISBN: 9780191586644
An understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of magnetism has led to the development of new magnetic materials which are used as permanent magnets, sensors, and in information storage. Behind these practical applications lie a range of fundamental ideas, including symmetry breaking, order parameters, excitations, frustration, and reduced dimensionality. This superb new textbook presents a logical account of these ideas, starting from basic concepts in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. It outlines the origin of magnetic moments in atoms and how these moments can be affected by their local environment inside a crystal. The different types of interactions which can be present between magnetic moments are described. The final chapters of the book are devoted to the magnetic properties of metals, and to the complex behaviour which can occur when competing magnetic interactions are present and/or the system has a reduced dimensionality. Throughout the text, the theoretical principles are applied to real systems. There is substantial discussion of experimental techniques and current research topics. The book is copiously illustrated and contains detailed appendices which cover the fundamental principles
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Bookshelf online: 4 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2001)
  • ISBN: 9780191586644R180
An understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of magnetism has led to the development of new magnetic materials which are used as permanent magnets, sensors, and in information storage. Behind these practical applications lie a range of fundamental ideas, including symmetry breaking, order parameters, excitations, frustration, and reduced dimensionality. This superb new textbook presents a logical account of these ideas, starting from basic concepts in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. It outlines the origin of magnetic moments in atoms and how these moments can be affected by their local environment inside a crystal. The different types of interactions which can be present between magnetic moments are described. The final chapters of the book are devoted to the magnetic properties of metals, and to the complex behaviour which can occur when competing magnetic interactions are present and/or the system has a reduced dimensionality. Throughout the text, the theoretical principles are applied to real systems. There is substantial discussion of experimental techniques and current research topics. The book is copiously illustrated and contains detailed appendices which cover the fundamental principles
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Offline udgaven er tilgængelig: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2001)
  • ISBN: 9780191586644R365
An understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of magnetism has led to the development of new magnetic materials which are used as permanent magnets, sensors, and in information storage. Behind these practical applications lie a range of fundamental ideas, including symmetry breaking, order parameters, excitations, frustration, and reduced dimensionality. This superb new textbook presents a logical account of these ideas, starting from basic concepts in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. It outlines the origin of magnetic moments in atoms and how these moments can be affected by their local environment inside a crystal. The different types of interactions which can be present between magnetic moments are described. The final chapters of the book are devoted to the magnetic properties of metals, and to the complex behaviour which can occur when competing magnetic interactions are present and/or the system has a reduced dimensionality. Throughout the text, the theoretical principles are applied to real systems. There is substantial discussion of experimental techniques and current research topics. The book is copiously illustrated and contains detailed appendices which cover the fundamental principles
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 365 dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 2 sider kan printes ad gangen
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 256 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press (Oktober 2001)
  • ISBN: 9780198505914
The superb book describes the modern theory of the magnetic properties of solids. Starting from fundamental principles, this copiously illustrated volume outlines the theory of magnetic behaviour, describes experimental techniques, and discusses current research topics. The book is intended for final year undergraduate students and graduate students in the physical sciences.

To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit:
1. Introduction2. Isolated magnetic moments3. Environments4. Interactions5. Order and magnetic structures6. Order and broken symmetry7. Magnetism in metals8. Competing interactions and low dimensionalityAppendix A: Units in ElectromagnetismAppendix B: ElectromagnetismAppendix C: Quantum and atomic physicsAppendix D: Energy in magnetism and demagnetismAppendix E: Stastical mechanicsAppendix F: List of symbolsIndex

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