Viser: Functional Programming Using F#

Functional Programming Using F#

Functional Programming Using F#

Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
1.274,00 kr.
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Functional Programming Using F#, 1. udgave

Functional Programming Using F# Vital Source e-bog

Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
Cambridge University Press
528,00 kr.
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Functional Programming Using F#, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Functional Programming Using F# Vital Source e-bog

Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
Cambridge University Press
450,00 kr.
Leveres umiddelbart efter køb

Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 371 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Maj 2013)
  • Forfattere: Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
  • ISBN: 9781107019027
This comprehensive introduction to the principles of functional programming using F# shows how to apply basic theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs. It demonstrates the role of functional programming in a wide spectrum of applications including databases and systems. Coverage also includes advanced features in the .NET library, the imperative features of F# and topics such as text processing, sequences, computation expressions and asynchronous computation. With a broad spectrum of examples and exercises, the book is perfect for courses in functional programming and for self-study. Enhancing its use as a text is an accompanying website with downloadable programs, lecture slides, mini-projects and links to further F# sources.
1. Getting started;
2. Values, operators, expressions, and functions;
3. Tuples, records, and tagged values;
4. Lists;
5. Collections: lists, maps, and sets;
6. Finite trees;
7. Modules;
8. Imperative features;
9. Efficiency;
10. Text processing programs;
11. Sequences;
12. Computation expressions;
13. Asynchronous and parallel computations.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Maj 2013)
  • Forfattere: Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
  • ISBN: 9781107065055R180
This comprehensive introduction to the principles of functional programming using F# shows how to apply basic theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs. It demonstrates the role of functional programming in a wide spectrum of applications including databases and systems. Coverage also includes advanced features in the .NET library, the imperative features of F# and topics such as text processing, sequences, computation expressions and asynchronous computation. With a broad spectrum of examples and exercises, the book is perfect for courses in functional programming and for self-study. Enhancing its use as a text is an accompanying website with downloadable programs, lecture slides, mini-projects and links to further F# sources.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Maj 2013)
  • Forfattere: Michael R. Hansen og Hans Rischel
  • ISBN: 9781107065055
This comprehensive introduction to the principles of functional programming using F# shows how to apply basic theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs. It demonstrates the role of functional programming in a wide spectrum of applications including databases and systems. Coverage also includes advanced features in the .NET library, the imperative features of F# and topics such as text processing, sequences, computation expressions and asynchronous computation. With a broad spectrum of examples and exercises, the book is perfect for courses in functional programming and for self-study. Enhancing its use as a text is an accompanying website with downloadable programs, lecture slides, mini-projects and links to further F# sources.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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