Viser: Event Studies

Event Studies - Theory and Management for Planned Events, 5. udgave

Event Studies

Theory and Management for Planned Events
Donald Getz og Stephen Page
499,00 kr. 449,10 kr.
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Event Studies, 5. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Event Studies Vital Source e-bog

Donald Getz og Stephen J. Page
Taylor & Francis
581,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Hardback: 498 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge (December 2023)
  • Forfattere: Donald Getz og Stephen Page
  • ISBN: 9781032448640
Fully updated and revised in its fifth edition, Event Studies remains the most comprehensive book devoted to developing knowledge and theory about event management and event tourism, focusing on the study of events, the event experience, and meanings associated with them.

International in scope and embellished with useful figures and tables throughout, the authors carefully examine current forces, trends, and issues, including impacts of the pandemic. All the major types of planned events are profiled, with emphasis on their forms, functions, experiential dimensions, meanings, and values.

This book's framework encompasses antecedents, planning and design, outcomes and impacts, and the various patterns and processes that influence the events sector, including policy.

New and expanded topics in the fifth edition include:

- Content has been substantially reorganised to give much more attention to establishing theoretical foundations and advocating principles for the core management functions.
- New content on gender studies, human rights, crisis management and resilience, sustainability, and events as agents of change.

- Expert opinion boxes cover major issues: educational philosophy; technology and its impacts; human rights and mega-events; virtual events and agile management; trends in corporate events; happiness and well-being; event portfolios management; civic dramaturgy; event design; trends in communications, including new media; dynamic crowd management; overtourism; and event-sector recovery.

- Additional chapters on design, policy, management fundamentals, planning and operations, event tourism, and the inter-related management challenges of risk, security, health and safety, and environment.

This insightful volume will be an invaluable resource for all undergraduate students of events studies throughout their degree programmes.

Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Januar 2024)
  • Forfattere: Donald Getz og Stephen J. Page
  • ISBN: 9781003814146
Fully updated and revised in its fifth edition, Event Studies remains the most comprehensive book devoted to developing knowledge and theory about event management and event tourism, focusing on the study of events, the event experience, and meanings associated with them. International in scope and embellished with useful figures and tables throughout, the authors carefully examine current forces, trends, and issues, including impacts of the pandemic. All the major types of planned events are profiled, with emphasis on their forms, functions, experiential dimensions, meanings, and values. This book’s framework encompasses antecedents, planning and design, outcomes and impacts, and the various patterns and processes that influence the events sector, including policy. New and expanded topics in the fifth edition include: • Content has been substantially reorganised to give much more attention to establishing theoretical foundations and advocating principles for the core management functions. • New content on gender studies, human rights, crisis management and resilience, sustainability, and events as agents of change. • Expert opinion boxes cover major issues: educational philosophy; technology and its impacts; human rights and mega-events; virtual events and agile management; trends in corporate events; happiness and well-being; event portfolios management; civic dramaturgy; event design; trends in communications, including new media; dynamic crowd management; overtourism; and event-sector recovery. • Additional chapters on design, policy, management fundamentals, planning and operations, event tourism, and the inter-related management challenges of risk, security, health and safety, and environment. This insightful volume will be an invaluable resource for all undergraduate students of events studies throughout their degree programmes.
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Bookshelf online: 4 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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