Viser: Vibrations and Stability - Advanced Theory, Analysis, and Tools, 3rd Edition

Vibrations and Stability, 3. udgave

Vibrations and Stability Vital Source e-bog

Jon Juel Thomsen
Springer Nature
838,00 kr. 754,20 kr.
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Vibrations and Stability, 3. udgave

Vibrations and Stability Vital Source e-bog

Jon Juel Thomsen
Springer Nature
733,00 kr. 659,70 kr.
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Vibrations and Stability, 3. udgave

Vibrations and Stability Vital Source e-bog

Jon Juel Thomsen
Springer Nature
564,00 kr. 507,60 kr.
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Vibrations and Stability, 3. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Vibrations and Stability Vital Source e-bog

Jon Juel Thomsen
Springer Nature
787,00 kr. 708,30 kr.
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Vibrations and Stability - Advanced Theory, Analysis, and Tools, 3rd Edition, 3. udgave

Vibrations and Stability

Advanced Theory, Analysis, and Tools, 3rd Edition
Jon Juel Thomsen
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer International Publishing AG
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9783030680459R365
This book ties together classical and modern topics of advanced vibration analysis in an interesting and lucid manner. It is intended for advanced students, university teachers, and researchers in mechanical/structural engineering dynamics, and professional engineers aiming at strengthening their theoretical foundation. Assuming background knowledge in elementary vibrations, it provides a set of useful tools for understanding and analyzing the more complex dynamical phenomena that can be met in engineering and scientific practice. Summarizing first basic linear vibration theory, it progresses over various types of nonlinearity and nonlinear interaction to bifurcation analysis, chaotic vibrations, and special high-frequency effects. It trains the student to analyze simple models, recognize nonlinear phenomena, and work with advanced tools such as perturbation analysis and bifurcation analysis. Focusing attention on a limited number of simple, generic models, the book covers the qualitative behavior of a wide variety of mechanical/structural systems; the key examples dealt with can be fabricated as simple physical models for classroom demonstrations. Explaining theory in terms of relevant examples from real systems, this book is user-friendly and meets the increasing interest in, and significance of, nonlinear dynamics in mechanical/structural engineering. This 3rd edition adds many new topics, sections, figures, exercise problems, literature references, and other updates; it is backed up by a separately available booklet with worked out solutions to exercise problems.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source leje e-bog 180 dage
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9783030680459R180
'Vibrations and Stability' is aimed at third to fifth-year undergraduates and post­ graduates in mechanical or structural engineering. The book covers a range of subjects relevant for a one-or two-semester course in advanced vibrations and stability. Also, it can be used for self-study, e. g. , by students on master or PhD projects, researchers, and professional engineers. The focus is on nonlinear phe­ nomena and tools, covering the themes of local perturbation analysis (Chaps. 3 and 4), bifurcation analysis (Chap. 5), global analysis I chaos theory (Chap. 6), and special high-frequency effects (Chap. 7). The ground for nonlinear analysis is laid with a brief summary of elementary linear vibration theory (Chap. 1), and a treatment of differential eigenvalue problems in some depth (Chap. 2). Also, there are exercise problems and extensive bibliographic references to serve the needs of both students and more experienced users; major exercises for course-work; and appendices on numerical simulation, standard mathematical formulas, vibration properties of basic structural elements, and properties of engineering materials. This Second Edition is a revised and expanded version of the first edition (pub­ lished by McGraw-Hill in 1997), reflecting the experience gathered during its now six years in service as a classroom or self-study text for students and researchers. The second edition contains a major new chapter (7), three new appendices, many new exercise problems, more than 120 new and updated bibliographic references, and hundreds of minor updates, corrections, and clarifications.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source leje e-bog 90 dage
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9783030680459R90
'Vibrations and Stability' is aimed at third to fifth-year undergraduates and post­ graduates in mechanical or structural engineering. The book covers a range of subjects relevant for a one-or two-semester course in advanced vibrations and stability. Also, it can be used for self-study, e. g. , by students on master or PhD projects, researchers, and professional engineers. The focus is on nonlinear phe­ nomena and tools, covering the themes of local perturbation analysis (Chaps. 3 and 4), bifurcation analysis (Chap. 5), global analysis I chaos theory (Chap. 6), and special high-frequency effects (Chap. 7). The ground for nonlinear analysis is laid with a brief summary of elementary linear vibration theory (Chap. 1), and a treatment of differential eigenvalue problems in some depth (Chap. 2). Also, there are exercise problems and extensive bibliographic references to serve the needs of both students and more experienced users; major exercises for course-work; and appendices on numerical simulation, standard mathematical formulas, vibration properties of basic structural elements, and properties of engineering materials. This Second Edition is a revised and expanded version of the first edition (pub­ lished by McGraw-Hill in 1997), reflecting the experience gathered during its now six years in service as a classroom or self-study text for students and researchers. The second edition contains a major new chapter (7), three new appendices, many new exercise problems, more than 120 new and updated bibliographic references, and hundreds of minor updates, corrections, and clarifications.
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Bookshelf online: 90 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 90 dage fra købsdato.

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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9783030680459
This book ties together classical and modern topics of advanced vibration analysis in an interesting and lucid manner. It is intended for advanced students, university teachers, and researchers in mechanical/structural engineering dynamics, and professional engineers aiming at strengthening their theoretical foundation. Assuming background knowledge in elementary vibrations, it provides a set of useful tools for understanding and analyzing the more complex dynamical phenomena that can be met in engineering and scientific practice. Summarizing first basic linear vibration theory, it progresses over various types of nonlinearity and nonlinear interaction to bifurcation analysis, chaotic vibrations, and special high-frequency effects. It trains the student to analyze simple models, recognize nonlinear phenomena, and work with advanced tools such as perturbation analysis and bifurcation analysis. Focusing attention on a limited number of simple, generic models, the book covers the qualitative behavior of a wide variety of mechanical/structural systems; the key examples dealt with can be fabricated as simple physical models for classroom demonstrations. Explaining theory in terms of relevant examples from real systems, this book is user-friendly and meets the increasing interest in, and significance of, nonlinear dynamics in mechanical/structural engineering. This 3rd edition adds many new topics, sections, figures, exercise problems, literature references, and other updates; it is backed up by a separately available booklet with worked out solutions to exercise problems.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback
  • Udgiver: Springer International Publishing AG (Marts 2021)
  • ISBN: 9783030680442

This book ties together classical and modern topics of advanced vibration analysis in an interesting and lucid manner. It is intended for advanced students, university teachers, and researchers in mechanical/structural engineering dynamics, and professional engineers aiming at strengthening their theoretical foundation. Assuming background knowledge in elementary vibrations, it provides a set of useful tools for understanding and analyzing the more complex dynamical phenomena that can be met in engineering and scientific practice. Summarizing first basic linear vibration theory, it progresses over various types of nonlinearity and nonlinear interaction to bifurcation analysis, chaotic vibrations, and special high-frequency effects. It trains the student to analyze simple models, recognize nonlinear phenomena, and work with advanced tools such as perturbation analysis and bifurcation analysis. Focusing attention on a limited number of simple, generic models, the book covers the qualitative behavior of a wide variety of mechanical/structural systems; the key examples dealt with can be fabricated as simple physical models for classroom demonstrations. Explaining theory in terms of relevant examples from real systems, this book is user-friendly and meets the increasing interest in, and significance of, nonlinear dynamics in mechanical/structural engineering. This 3rd edition adds many new topics, sections, figures, exercise problems, literature references, and other updates; it is backed up by a separately available booklet with worked out solutions to exercise problems.

Vibration Basics.- Eigenvalue Problems of Vibrations And Stability.- Nonlinear Vibrations: Classical Local Theory.- Nonlinear Multiple-DOF Systems: Local Analysis.- Bifurcation Analysis.-. Chaotic Vibrations.- Special Effects of High-Frequency Excitation.

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