Viser: Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity

Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, 3. udgave
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Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity Vital Source e-bog

M.P. Nielsen og L.C. Hoang
Taylor & Francis
2.764,00 kr.
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Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, 3. udgave

Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity

M. P. Nielsen og L. C. Hoang
Sprog: Engelsk
888,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (April 2016)
  • Forfattere: M.P. Nielsen og L.C. Hoang
  • ISBN: 9781040055540
Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Second Edition explains the basic principles of plasticity theory and its application to the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, providing a thorough understanding of the subject, rather than simply applying current design codes. This understanding enables the design student or engineer to solve problems more effectively and safely. Fully updated, the second edition includes new treatments in a variety of areas and includes numerical methods and computer code for solving problems, incorporating methods into Eurocode 2-the common concrete standard for all of Europe.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 816 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2010)
  • Forfattere: M. P. Nielsen og L. C. Hoang
  • ISBN: 9781439803967

First published in 1984, Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity explains for advanced design engineers the principles of plasticity theory and its application to the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, providing a thorough understanding of the subject, rather than simply applying current design formulas.

Updated and revised throughout, Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition adds--

  • Reinforcement design formulas for three-dimensional stress fields that enable design of solid structures (also suitable for implementation in computer-based lower bound optimizations)
  • Improved explanations of the crack sliding theory and new solutions for beams with arbitrary curved shear cracks, continuous beams, lightly shear reinforced beams and beams with large axial compression
  • More accurate treatment of and solutions for beams with circular cross-section
  • Applications of crack sliding theory to punching shear problems
  • New solutions that illustrate the implication of initial cracking on load-carrying capacity of disks
  • Yield condition for the limiting case of isotropically cracked disk

The authors also devote an entirely new chapter to a recently developed theory of rigid-plastic dynamics for seismic design of concrete structures. In comparison with time-history analyses, the new theory is simpler to use and leads to large material savings. With this chapter, plasticity design methods for both statical and dynamical loads are now covered by the book.


Introduction The Theory of Plasticity Constitutive Equations Extremum Principles for Rigid-Plastic Materials The Solution of Plasticity Problems Reinforced Concrete Structures Yield Conditions Concrete Yield Conditions for Reinforced Disks Yield Conditions for Slabs Reinforcement Design The Theory of Plain Concrete Statical Conditions Geometrical Conditions Virtual Work Constitutive Equations The Theory of Plane Strain for Coulomb Materials Applications Disks Statical Conditions Geometrical Conditions Virtual Work Constitutive Equations Exact Solutions for Isotropic Disks The Effective Compressive Strength of Reinforced Disks General Theory of Lower Bound Solutions Strut and Tie Models Shear Walls Homogenous Reinforcement Solutions Design According to the Elastic Theory Beams Beams in Bending Beams in Shear Beams in Torsion Combined Bending, Shear, and Torsion Slabs Statical Conditions Geometrical Conditions Virtual Work, Boundary Conditions Constitutive Equations Exact Solutions for Isotropic Slabs Upper Bound Solutions for Isotropic Slabs Lower Bound Solutions Orthotropic Slabs Analytical Optimum Reinforcement Solutions Numerical Methods Membrane Action Punching Shear of Slabs Introduction Internal Loads or Columns Edge and Corner Loads Concluding Remarks Shear in Joints Introduction Analysis of Joints by Plastic Theory Strength of Different Types of Joints The Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars Introduction The Local Failure Mechanism Failure Mechanisms Analysis of Failure Mechanisms Assessment of Anchor and Splice Strength Effect of Transverse Pressure and Support Reaction Effect of Transverse Reinforcement Concluding Remarks

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