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Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers: How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done, 1. udgave
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Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers: How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done Vital Source e-bog

Linda Byars Swindling
John Wiley & Sons
154,00 kr. 138,60 kr.
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Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers, 1. udgave
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Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers Vital Source e-bog

Linda Byars Swindling
John Wiley & Sons
154,00 kr. 138,60 kr.
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Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers - How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done

Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers

How to Negotiate Work Drama to Get More Done
Linda Byars Swindling
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
139,00 kr. 125,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Februar 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781118590270
Turn constant complainers into productive contributors

Constant complainers take up resources, time, and mental bandwidth in the workplace. When you change a culture of complainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increase productivity, and promote effective communication. In short, you get more done with less drama. In Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers, workplace communication expert Linda Swindling shares her expertise in negotiating tough situations in the workplace. Discover how to influence others to accomplish your purpose. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers uses scenarios, engaging questions, and survey results to provide strategies that can be implemented immediately.

  • Shows how to identify complainers and time drainers
  • Provides forms to help prepare for discussions, suggested language to show up powerfully, and encouragement to apply strategies
  • Offers concrete phrases and tactics to refocus a complainer and end unproductive conversations

Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers is research-driven and focused on how to identify as well as manage conversations with "venters," complainers, whiners, and energy drainers. With these guidelines for communication, you'll see powerful results, improved relationships, and increased confidence.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Februar 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781118590386
Turn constant complainers into productive contributors Constant complainers take up resources, time, and mental bandwidth in the workplace. When you change a culture of complainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increase productivity, and promote effective communication. In short, you get more done with less drama. In Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers, workplace communication expert Linda Swindling shares her expertise in negotiating tough situations in the workplace. Discover how to influence others to accomplish your purpose. Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers uses scenarios, engaging questions, and survey results to provide strategies that can be implemented immediately. Shows how to identify complainers and time drainers Provides forms to help prepare for discussions, suggested language to show up powerfully, and encouragement to apply strategies Offers concrete phrases and tactics to refocus a complainer and end unproductive conversations Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers is research-driven and focused on how to identify as well as manage conversations with "venters," complainers, whiners, and energy drainers. With these guidelines for communication, you'll see powerful results, improved relationships, and increased confidence.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (Marts 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781118492963
Turn constant complainers into productive contributors

Constant complainers take up resources, time, and mentalbandwidth in the workplace. When you change a culture ofcomplainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increaseproductivity, and promote effective communication. In short, youget more done with less drama. In Stop Complainers and EnergyDrainers, workplace communication expert Linda Swindling shares herexpertise in negotiating tough situations in the workplace.Discover how to influence others to accomplish your purpose.Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers uses scenarios,engaging questions, and survey results to provide strategies thatcan be implemented immediately.

  • Shows how to identify complainers and time drainers
  • Provides forms to help prepare for discussions, suggestedlanguage to show up powerfully, and encouragement to applystrategies
  • Offers concrete phrases and tactics to refocus a complainer andend unproductive conversations

Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers is research-drivenand focused on how to identify as well as manage conversations with"venters," complainers, whiners, and energy drainers. With theseguidelines for communication, you'll see powerful results, improvedrelationships, and increased confidence.

Work Drama 101 1 Introduction: How to Use This Book with No Complaints 11 1 Whiners 25 2 Complicators 39 3 Prima Donnas 55 4 Controllers 71 5 Toxics 85 6 What to Do If You're the Complainer 103 7 Energy Drains 131 8 How to Negotiate Work Drama 151 9 Go Ahead, Complain 171 Resources 185 Complain-a-Gram to Complainer 186 Complain-a-Gram to Company Leader 187 Complainer Type Road Signs and Slogans 188 Conversation Strategies per Complainer Type 189 Related Communication Styles 190 Negotiating Work Drama Checklists 194 Notes 197 References 201 Acknowledgments 205 About the Author 209

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