Viser: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - A Contemporary Approach

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 5. udgave
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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Vital Source e-bog

Jonathan M. Harris og Brian Roach
Taylor & Francis
843,00 kr. 758,70 kr.
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Environmental and Natural Resource Economics - A Contemporary Approach, 5. udgave

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

A Contemporary Approach
Jonathan M. Harris og Brian Roach
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
666,00 kr. 599,40 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (November 2021)
  • Forfattere: Jonathan M. Harris og Brian Roach
  • ISBN: 9781000449891
Environmental issues are of fundamental importance, and a broad approach to understanding the relationship between the human economy and the natural world is essential. In a rapidly changing policy and scientific context, this new edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics reflects an updated perspective on modern environmental topics. Now in its fifth edition, this textbook includes enhanced and updated material on energy, climate change, greening the economy, population, agriculture, forests and water—reflecting the greater urgency required to solve the big environmental problems in these areas. It introduces students to both standard environmental economics and the broader perspective of ecological economics, balancing analytical techniques of environmental economics topics with a global perspective on current ecological issues such as population growth, global climate change and "green" national income accounting. Harris and Roach’s premise is that a pluralistic approach is essential to understand the complex nexus between the economy and the environment. This perspective, combined with its emphasis on real-world policies, is particularly appealing to both instructors and students. This is the ideal text for undergraduate classes on environmental, natural resource and ecological economics, and postgraduate courses on environmental and economic policy. To access Student and Instructor resources, please visit:
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Hardback: 716 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (November 2021)
  • Forfattere: Jonathan M. Harris og Brian Roach
  • ISBN: 9780367531386

Environmental issues are of fundamental importance, and a broad approach to understanding the relationship between the human economy and the natural world is essential. In a rapidly changing policy and scientific context, this new edition of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics reflects an updated perspective on modern environmental topics.

Now in its fifth edition, this textbook includes enhanced and updated material on energy, climate change, greening the economy, population, agriculture, forests and water--reflecting the greater urgency required to solve the big environmental problems in these areas. It introduces students to both standard environmental economics and the broader perspective of ecological economics, balancing analytical techniques of environmental economics topics with a global perspective on current ecological issues such as population growth, global climate change and "green" national income accounting.

Harris and Roach's premise is that a pluralistic approach is essential to understand the complex nexus between the economy and the environment. This perspective, combined with its emphasis on real-world policies, is particularly appealing to both instructors and students. This is the ideal text for undergraduate classes on environmental, natural resource and ecological economics, and postgraduate courses on environmental and economic policy.

To access Student and Instructor resources, please visit:

1. Changing Perspectives on the Environment;
2. Resources, Environment, and Economic Development;
3. The Theory of Environmental Externalities;
4. Common Property Resources and Public Goods;
5. Resource Allocation Over Time;
6. Valuing the Environment;
7. Cost-Benefit Analysis;
8. Pollution: Analysis and Policy;
9. Ecological Economics: Basic Concepts;
10. National Income and Environmental Accounting;
11. Energy: The Great Transition;
12. Global Climate Change: Science and Economics;
13. Global Climate Change: Policy Responses;
14. Greening the Economy;
15. Population and the Environment;
16. Agriculture, Food, and Environment;
17. Nonrenewable Resources: Scarcity and Abundance;
18. Renewable Resource Use: Fisheries;
19. Forests and Land Management;
20. Water: Economics and Policy;
21. World Trade and the Environment;
22. Policies for Sustainable Development

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