Viser: Mathematical Methods for Physicists International Student Edition

Mathematical Methods for Physicists International Student Edition, 6. udgave

Mathematical Methods for Physicists International Student Edition

George B. Arfken og Hans J. Weber
Sprog: Engelsk
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
Denne titel er udgået og kan derfor ikke bestilles. Vi beklager.

Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Paperback: 1200 sider
  • Udgiver: Elsevier (Juli 2005)
  • Forfattere: George B. Arfken og Hans J. Weber
  • ISBN: 9780120885848
This best-selling title provides in one handy volume the essential mathematical tools and techniques used to solve problems in physics. It is a vital addition to the bookshelf of any serious student of physics or research professional in the field. The authors have put considerable effort into revamping this new edition.
1. Vector Analysis
2. Vector Analysis in Curved Coordinates and Tensors
3. Determinants and Matrices
4. Group Theory
5. Infinite Series
6. Functions of a Complex Variable I: Analytic Properties, Mapping
7. Functions of a Complex Variable II
8. The Gamma Function (Factorial Function)
9. Differential Equations
10. Strum-Liouville Theory-Orthogonal Functions
11. Bessel Functions
12. Legendre Functions
13. More Special Functions
14. Fourier Series
15. Integral Transforms
16. Integral Equations
17. Calculus of Variations
18. Nonlinear Methods and Chaos
19. Probability

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