Viser: Zconomy - How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business - and What to Do about It

Zconomy - How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business - and What to Do about It


How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business - and What to Do about It
Jason Dorsey og Denise Villa
Sprog: Engelsk
HarperCollins Publishers
330,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: HarperCollins Publishers (September 2020)
  • Forfattere: Jason Dorsey og Denise Villa
  • ISBN: 9780062970299

The most complete and authoritative guide to Gen Z, describing how leaders must adapt their employment, sales and marketing, product, and growth strategies to attract and keep this important new generation of customers, employees and trendsetters.

Gen Z changes everything. Today's businesses are not built to sell and market the way Gen Z shops and buys, or to recruit and employ Gen Z the way they find and keep jobs. Leaders need answers now as gen Z is the fastest growing generation of employees and the most important group of consumer trendsetters. 

The companies that quickly and comprehensively adapt to Gen Z thinking will be the winners for the next twenty years. Those that don't will be the losers or become extinct.  Zconomy is the comprehensive survival guide on how leaders must understand and embrace Generation Z. 

Researched and written by Dr. Denise Villa and Jason Dorsey from The Center for Generational Kinetics, the insights in Zconomy are based on their extensive research, they've led more than 60 generational studies, and their work with more than 500 companies around the world.

In Zconomy, Dr. Villa and Dorsey answer: Who is Gen Z What do employers, marketers, and sales leaders need to know And, most importantly, what should leaders do now

This is the critical moment for leaders to understand and adapt to Gen Z or become irrelevant. Gen Z is already reshaping the world of business and this change is only going to accelerate. Zconomy is the definitive manual that will prepare any executive, manager, entrepreneur, HR or marketing professional to successfully unlock the powerful potential of this emerging generation at this pivotal time.  

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