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Viser: ASP. NET 2. 0: a Developer's Notebook

ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook, 1. udgave
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ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook Vital Source e-bog

Wei-Meng Lee
O'Reilly Media, Inc
238,00 kr.
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ASP. NET 2. 0: a Developer's Notebook

ASP. NET 2. 0: a Developer's Notebook

Wei-Meng Lee
Sprog: Engelsk
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
262,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages): 348 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (Juni 2005)
  • ISBN: 9780596523435
When ASP.NET hit the street a couple of years ago, it was a real eye-opener. Microsoft's tool for creating dynamic, server side web applications introduced Web Forms, a feature with the same rapid drag and drop convenience enjoyed by Visual Basic developers, along with a method for creating XML-based web services. ASP.NET was more than an upgrade of Active Server Pages it was a quantum leap ahead.Now Microsoft has a new version of ASP.NET as part of its upcoming next generation release of the Visual Studio .NET development platform. ASP.NET 2.0 is already available in beta release, and web developers are anxious to get a good look at it. That's exactly what our new Developer's Notebook allows you to do.More than just an introduction to ASP.NET 2.0, this practical guide acquaints you with all of the new features through nearly 50 hands-on projects. Each one places emphasis on changes in the new release that can increase productivity, simplify programming tasks, and help you add functionality to your applications. For example, ASP.NET 2.0 includes master pages, themes, and skins so you can build applications with a consistent page layout and design. Other changes allow for the automatic creation of web pages for use on mobile devices, while wizards and controls allow you to perform frequent tasks (like data access) without having to write a single line of code.ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook also includes suggestions for further experimentation, links to on-line documentation, and practical notes and warnings from the author regarding changes to the new version.The new Developer's Notebooks series from O'Reilly offers an in-depth first look at important new tools for software developers. Emphasizing example over explanation and practice over theory, they focus on learning by doing you'll get the goods straight from the masters, in an informal and code-intensive style. If you want to get up to speed on ASP.NET 2.0 before its official release, this all lab, no lecture book will get you there.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 348 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (Juni 2005)
  • ISBN: 9780596008123

When ASP.NET hit the street a couple of years ago, it was a real eye-opener. Microsoft's tool for creating dynamic, server side web applications introduced Web Forms, a feature with the same rapid drag and drop convenience enjoyed by Visual Basic developers, along with a method for creating XML-based web services. ASP.NET was more than an upgrade of Active Server Pages it was a quantum leap ahead.Now Microsoft has a new version of ASP.NET as part of its upcoming next generation release of the Visual Studio .NET development platform. ASP.NET 2.0 is already available in beta release, and web developers are anxious to get a good look at it. That's exactly what our new Developer's Notebook allows you to do.More than just an introduction to ASP.NET 2.0, this practical guide acquaints you with all of the new features through nearly 50 hands-on projects. Each one places emphasis on changes in the new release that can increase productivity, simplify programming tasks, and help you add functionality to your applications. For example, ASP.NET 2.0 includes master pages, themes, and skins so you can build applications with a consistent page layout and design. Other changes allow for the automatic creation of web pages for use on mobile devices, while wizards and controls allow you to perform frequent tasks (like data access) without having to write a single line of code.ASP.NET 2.0: A Developer's Notebook also includes suggestions for further experimentation, links to on-line documentation, and practical notes and warnings from the author regarding changes to the new version.The new Developer's Notebooks series from O'Reilly offers an in-depth first look at important new tools for software developers. Emphasizing example over explanation and practice over theory, they focus on learning by doing you'll get the goods straight from the masters, in an informal and code-intensive style. If you want to get up to speed on ASP.NET 2.0 before its official release, this all lab, no lecture book will get you there.

The Developer's Notebook Series; Notebooks Are...; Notebooks Aren't...; Organization;Preface; Who This Book Is For; How This Book Is Organized; Where Can I Learn More?; What You Need to Use This Book; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Enabled; I'd Like to Hear from You; Comments and Questions; Acknowledgments; About the Author;
Chapter 1: What's New?;
1.1 Create a New Web Project;
1.2 Use Multiple Languages;
1.3 Set the Focus of Controls;
1.4 Define Multiple Validation Groups on a Page;
1.5 Insert Client Script into a Page;
1.6 Post to Another Page;
1.7 Selectively Display Groups of Controls;
1.8 Upload Files to Your Web Site;
1.9 Create an Image Map;
Chapter 2: Master Pages and Site Navigation;
2.1 How do I do that?;
2.2 Use a Master Page as a Content Page Template;
2.3 Modify a Master Page at Runtime;
2.4 Create a Site Map for Your Web Site;
2.5 Display Hierarchical Data Using the TreeView Control;
2.6 Populate a TreeView Control Programmatically;
2.7 Display Drop-Down Menus Using the Menu Control;
Chapter 3: Web Parts;
3.1 How do I do that?;
3.2 Create a Personalizable Custom Web
3.3 Let Users Move Web Parts;
3.4 Let Users Add Web Parts at Runtime;
3.5 Let Users Edit Web Parts at Runtime;
3.6 Enable Web Parts to Talk to Each Other;
Chapter 4: Data Access;
4.1 Display Data in a Table;
4.2 Sort and View Records on Multiple Pages;
4.3 Edit and Delete Records;
4.4 Display One Record at a Time;
4.5 Cache the Data Source Control;
4.6 Cache Using Dependency;
4.7 Encrypt Connection Strings;
4.8 Connect to a Business Object;
4.9 Connect to an XML Document;
Chapter 5: Security;
5.1 Create a Login Page Using the New Security Controls;
5.2 Add Users with WAT;
5.3 Restrict Unauthorized Access to Pages;
5.4 Recover Passwords for Users;
5.5 Let Users Change Passwords;
5.6 Create Accounts with CreateUserWizard;
5.7 Group Users into Roles;
5.8 Manage User Settings;
Chapter 6: Performance;
6.1 How do I do that?;
6.2 Dynamically Generate Web Service Proxy Classes;
6.3 Precompile Your Site;
6.4 Cache Fragments of a Page;
6.5 Lower the Cost of Server Callbacks;
Chapter 7: Profiles;
7.1 Personalize Your Application;
7.2 Authenticate Users with Forms Authentication;
7.3 Save Anonymous User Profiles;
7.4 Transfer an Anonymous Profile to an Authenticated Profile;
Chapter 8: Themes, Skins, and Localization;
8.1 Create Themes and Skins;
8.2 Apply Themes at Runtime;
8.3 Store Themes in User Profiles;
8.4 Localize Your Application;Colophon;
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